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Since civilization began, many people are suffering from psychological obstacles such as sorrow, strange and troubling behavior. There have been a large number of scientists who have grasped the treatments for them and tried to deal with these disorders. In classifying psychological disorders there has been roots with Romans and Egyptians at ancient times. Even today, the psychological disorder of classification follows the type model of medicine. But classifying psychological disorders is not easy, it is harder than it sounds, and there is much room for debate. Although classification systems have drawbacks, I think that it is safe to say that the classification system exceeds the shortcomings. It is an effective communication psychologist that you can do. The classification system also allows the psychologist to categorize the psychological disorder to predict the probability of a disorder, individuals likely to develop a particular mental disorder, and treatment regimens To facilitate easy, the American Psychiatric Association was the first to divide the psychological disorder of the United States in 1952 This manual was known as DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) . The 1994 version is the latest version I know, including 17 major classifications and describes over 200 obstacles. DSM goes through more and more and will probably show more progress in knowledge of psychological disorder for many years. DSM-IV adds categories from the manual that caused several major controversies by psychologists you were heavily dependent on those technologies and the key feature of DSM-IV is the characteristic of multiple axes. It has five axes to diagnose individuals with mental disorders by characterizing them exactly in terms of many factors. The five axes of DSM - IV are as follows:

Axis I: All diagnostic categories except personality disorder and mental retardation.
Axis II: mental retardation and personality disorder.
Axis III: most medical conditions
Axis IV: Social and environmental complications.
Axle V: Current functional capability.

Axis I - II explains the majority of psychological disorders and axes III - V are not required in actually diagnosing psychological disorders, but they are not necessarily the same , Individuals may have high blood pressure which is an example of axis III requiring special attention to treatment as one mediation can exacerbate the symptoms for the individual. DSM-IV was collected by a number of mental health experts and since the majority consisted of white male psychiatrists, it became the greatest controversy about the various DSM-IVs lacking in previous manuals The part is that the symptoms are still being described in psychiatric way. Despite the fact that more psychologists are participating in it, there are some common in the labeling of the doctor DSM-IV who diagnoses patients who do not focus on external factors such as environmental influences on mental disorders There is a problem. Some of the categories for psychiatric disorders are included because some people are harmless activities every day. For example, if someone is struggling to learn mathematics, or you can skill more than labeled as a mental disorder. Also, addiction to certain substances like Starbucks' great cappuccino is seen as a mental disorder as individuals have drug substance abuse problems In addition, some individuals who do not have mental disorders, You may come to believe what you do by misdiagnosis. People refer to them as they believed in something when they said to them, are known as self-fulfilled prophecies. Labels also can cause harmful side effects on individuals and may cause self-esteem to be lost when thinking that they are mentally ill. Many times, avoiding the help of pursuit avoiding these labels as individuals do not want people to think about them differently. Although the DSM-IV may have its criticisms and inaccuracies, it is still the most comprehensive mental classification system currently available. As mentioned earlier, there are many categories for mental disorders. A very common thing that affects nearly 191,000 Americans is anxiety disorder. In case of anxiety symptoms as an index that you can always worry about, it will be increased or decreased accordingly. Anxiety disorder is a psychological disorder that can cause abnormalities in various motor functions. Examples of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post traumatic injury, and social anxiety disorder. Since I am planning to discuss the generalized anxiety disorder first, it is itself the common anxiety disorder. For example, take this case study. Amy is a thirty year old woman and since she and her husband have been saying that she develops much of the tension and tension building every time she goes out in the public she is trembling, I am sweating when I return from shopping. These are common symptoms of anxiety disorder. On the other hand, in disorders of phobia, individuals have strong fear of specific objectives and things. Many people are informed about some common things such as fears of spiders and Arachnophobia and the fear of closed tight spaces or claustrophobia. However, people may not be notified of such Dikephobia, justice and the fear of Geliophobia and the fear of laughter, there are many more strange things. A very interesting psychological disorder is obsessive compulsive disorder, individuals have these obsession for doing things in a particular way or order, causing mental distress For example, because they ruined the order These rituals consume the majority of personal time, the necessity of getting dressed more rude than you must start and taking their clothes in a particular way. Panic disorder is when individuals have a period of deep fear. This usually does not last too long, and some symptoms are shivering of individual will, experiencing shortness of breath. Secondly, the traumatic disorder of the posts has this obstacle that men and women can experience, even in the feeling of the emptiness and depression experienced by an individual after a shocking event such as an airplane accident or after abuse or rape I am a woman. Finally, social anxiety disorder is in a social situation and there is a risk of being evaluated by others. The classic example is to be very anxious and nervous during the job interview.

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