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You won an eBay auction! What would you like to do now?

It's a euphoric feeling when you win your first eBay auction: a mixture of happiness and maybe just a little fear. After all, it seems there so much to do before you can actually get your item. What will you do next?

The simple answer is: Send payment to the seller, as soon as possible. The faster you pay, the more your sellers like and your items will arrive soon. Is there anyone? All depends on how you plan to pay.


PayPal is one of the most popular options to pay on eBay, at the point eBay decided to buy the company. It is the Internet of the electronic payment of this moment. Money goes instantly from your credit or debit card to the seller's PayPal account, they are either for internet purchase

eBay offers stimulation for using paypal, and most sellers now accept it. Its instant nature makes sellers very happy and has your items packed and sent within a few hours at the end of the auction, leaving you a positive feedback If you pay with PayPal, you are In addition to PayPal's own insurance and warranty, you will be compensated for what is on your card.

Check and postal order

This is a payment old-fashioned way and will lead to a long wait on your item. You only need to post a check or exchange and the seller has to take it to the bank and get rid of it and then only send the item. The only reason to use this method is if either you or the seller suspects an electronic payment method. Because most buyers can not just annoy you, if you are willing to go in trouble with these sellers, you may get the item very cheaply

When you pay by check or money order, print an eBay Order Confirmation page (emailed to you) and make sure to put it in your payment envelope. Circle key information such as underline or your mailing address and item number. Finally, remember to be a patient: when everything falls into place, it really takes a month before your item is up

Remittances and bank deposits.

Some sellers pay them using a wire service like Western Union, or simply give your bank account number and support it, which is common unless you really trust the seller A bad idea-these methods are hard to trace, and something goes well with cash, it hardly needs to be said, even worse ideas.

This is a lot to take in everything. I am sure that by now you have a few questions that are why the next email is a small eBay buyer's FAQ. There is a problem that can be solved.
Sometimes, when it is withdrawn, you bid on eBay.

eBay is a bit strict about allowing you to withdraw your bid. They call it 'bid pull-in' and have tough conditions that you have to meet before you are allowed to do it. Here are three acceptable reasons for the withdrawal of an ebay bid.

You made a typographical error: It is 100 of the bids that you are afraid that you can accidentally bid for a price far higher than you meant and enter the wrong amount in the bid box. '0' to add dollars and accidentals! There is also a situation with this condition and a bid in a bill that is full of everything.

The item description has changed: If you have bid on something and the seller has updated the description, you have the right to withdraw your bid. After all, it is not fair to force you to take something to realize what you don't want now.

The seller is uncontactable: email to the seller bounce, and if they do not respond to their mobile phone, the auction obviously can not continue,

So how can I withdraw my bid?

Because eBay hide does not like the people that are using it, it forms a bit of a draw-in bit. Is it easy to find?

All you need now is the item number from your auction: this can be found in the upper right corner of the item description page. If you can not see it on the page the title of your browser in any email-bar, and sent about your bid for eBay items One of the "bonds" is "set".

Do you have any results?

Well there is. More unethical inside of you Canceling a bid whenever you feel like it saying that you accidentally entered the wrong amount eBay is your step ahead. Every time you withdraw a bid, it is counted on your feedback page to see everything-and those with lots of withdrawal bids are small eBay also can exploit your bid withdrawal feature, and you can be banned I say I can do it.

So is there a way to withdraw your bid without facing punishment? If your seller is great, most are. Sellers can cancel their auction bids at any time and email them to the half-appropriate excuses, but most of them are for you but for those who go for the item you use the missing item Negative feedback away from.

Of course, drawing your bids should still be a rare thing: you won't win that way in the auction! If you follow us so far, chances are that you have now won the auction, or you There is close-but what do you do next email first is some of its points.

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