Why do people buy your product? If you build up enough profits to outweigh the cost of buying it, do you automatically close the deal? It doesn't always happen, is it? The consumer has not calculated the machine. They are soft and warm, breathing humans with emotions that assign meaning and personal significance to your products.
What kind of potential customers are evaluated and what products or services)? How do they exchange various factors before deciding? How is your emotions. ..
It's tough. :
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Why do people buy your product? If you build up enough profits to outweigh the cost of buying it, do you automatically close the deal? It doesn't always happen, is it? The consumer has not calculated the machine. They are soft and warm, breathing humans with emotions that assign meaning and personal significance to your products.
What kind of potential customers are evaluated and what products or services)? How do they exchange various factors before deciding? How do you get involved in your emotional process? It is a product purchased on the basis of the kind of mind standard which is not realized whether the consumer or not.
Technical standards
Most products with technical standards are. All products perform the function. It is also possible to play with additional features or functions that are easy to operate or use. Once you have your type of product for a while, everyone assumes that it performs basic functions. The marketing battle is on the ground of extra features and ease.
Does your product perform core functions better, faster, or smoother than your competitor's product? Do you use additional features to concentrate your product? Is your product easy to buy and operate?
Economic / sacrifice criteria
Economic / sacrifice criteria are related to price. Consumers live in the world of approach / avoidance. The advantage of your product is the tug of war and the price it takes to purchase it. Most enjoy reducing your product to pay the psychological cost of the consumer. The effects of multiple mentally important factors can be best valued.
What is the buyer's need for a product? How unique is it? Do you claim the "fair" price? Are you paying a socially acceptable asking price for your customers?
Legalist criteria
Consumers also have other demands. The legal requirements of having to listen to some buyers and the control of such losses are very disappointing. Consumers also feel compelled to consider other needs and desires, such as their spouse or children.
Does your product apply to your legal requirements? Can your product be more attractive to your customers' children and spouses?
Integrated criteria
What products or services and social groups and personal identities of potential customers? Consumers belong to social groups. If they do not fit, they face potential embarrassment. As always, we will respect the visibility of both group members. Products or services that increase self-esteem are emotionally content.
Is your product your own? Can your product be described as "upscale" or "exclusive"?
Adaptation criteria
Consumers minimize the risk that they later regret their purchases. The simplest solution is to avoid the responsibility completely and to trust the advice of others, preferably experts. Consumers also assume that other buying habits are "in knowing" by searching their warranties, or by basing their decisions on your reputation
Can you provide recommendations from a recognition expert? Do you have testimonials from satisfied customers? Do you offer a strong guarantee? Can I offer free trials or samples?
Built-in criteria
How is the basic nature of the product involved in the specific standards of the consumer's "Customer's product. Appeal to your customer's sense. How look, feel, taste, smell or sound your product?
Curiosity is another essential criterion. Consumers are always looking for something new and different. The familiar product is safe but boring. The trick is to not go too far. All consumers have optimum levels of novelty and complexity to maximize their curiosity and their desire to meet it. When you press beyond the optimal points, they return to familiarity.
Is your product "fresh" or "attractive"? How about "enchantment" or "elegance"?
If you focus only on intelligent behavior, then you will ultimately choose to ignore the very powerful emotional powers that will make the final decision of your customer. The intelligent argument should be won already by the high quality design of your product. Creative innovation, savvy pricing, and compelling presentations win the emotions of your customers.
* Six categories of emotional criteria were developed by John O'Shaughnessy, and the marketing power of Nicholas Jackson O'Shaughnessy's emotions (New York: Oxford
Boost Your Business: Publishing a Book
Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for how to boost their business. One of those ways is to be an author. The book does not have to be 100,000 words and hundreds of pages long. E-books can be as short as 50 pages, packed with solid, usable information just to make sure.
How the book improves the business
The books quickly establish that they deserve the praise of the authors in their field. Customers feel more secure knowing that the company they handle is aware. ..
It's tough. :
Entrepreneur, business, writing,
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Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for how to boost their business. One of those ways is to be an author. The book does not have to be 100,000 words and hundreds of pages long. E-books can be as short as 50 pages, packed with solid, usable information just to make sure.
How the book improves the business
The books quickly establish that they deserve the praise of the authors in their field. Customers feel safer Knowing the company they deal with confirmed the established expertise in the wheel. Book releases can lead to greater media exposure and demand for speaking contracts that increase corporate visibility.
The book can be given to new customers as a promotional item. If it's an e-book, there is most pocket cost. The E-books can be downloaded immediately from the website or can be sent as electronic files upon request. Potential customer contact information can be collected as part of the download process.
Polish perfectly
If you have a great idea for a book, but your writing needs little help, the option of co-writing, using your editors' and ghost writer's services, take your idea and draft Hiring a writer to put on a form of paper is a copywriter for your ad, or for writing your press release What is the count content and it only comes from you.
Is self-publishing right for you?
The lowest cost of pdf files from most of the formats that e-book can.
If you want a hard copy of your book, you can use a publishing request company such as Iuniverse, authorshouse or xlibris. The charge is reasonable and can be printed as few copies as you need. For one company-lulu.com's cost lead, just determine the book's cover artwork and format. Tsutsutsutsu
Offset printers are the most cost-effective way to print 500 copies or more, but all formatting, interior-design
If your goal is to look at your books sold in bookstores, consider self-publishing routes and consider selling your books to commercial publishers
Mainstream commercial publisher
When the book is published by mainstream commercial publishers rather than being self-published there are a few more caches. Publishers depend on the type of book they are interested in. The only nonfiction story that you want to do is cookbooks and other businesses. There are many resources that describe the type of book each publisher is looking for, contact information, and the name of the editor who often contacts, both the website and the book
Advances can be made from thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars to enable commercial publishers to expose you to your work and take care of all editing, formatting, cover design, and marketing. If your book is accepted, you will of course not have to pay in advance unless it is prescribed in the contract, but it is very rare. Commercial homes have the proper distribution and sales team to put your books in the bookstore. Most bookstores, both independent chains, do not stock self-published books.
The disadvantage of commercial publishing is that it takes time, from 12-18 months, to see your book finished and sitting on a shelf. You also lose a bit of control of the process. Most publishers consider the author's wishes up to cover design, publication date, pricing, and marketing, but so have final say in those decisions
I would like to receive which publication-literary agents. Most publishers do not accept annoying manuscripts, so please do not send them. Write a letter of inquiry to the appropriate editor at the publisher why you write your book and why it is qualified to write it.
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