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Your nursing area

If you reach the third term, you
Probably starting nursing bra, stocking on the chest
Pad, and shirt down loose button for future
A few months ahead, while preparing for a chest feed,
You can also create your personal area, customs
A feeding area designed for you.

It is a character that should reflect your nursing field.
If you like loud and still friendly surroundings,
Should consider setting in the corner of life
Room or family room.
So you can keep family or friends near you
your company.

If you like peace and tranquility, do cozy research or
Empty rooms are ideal. You
The door darkens the downlight and takes some
Deep and calming breathing during breast feeding.

Your own chair
Overstuffed the recliner, no matter if it's a glider,
Or a desk chair with wheels, should make sure
Your nursing chair is very comfortable. You
Because I sit in a chair for many hours every day
You will want it to be very comfortable. You
Always look for something that offers back and shoulders
Support with the rest of the arm.

Foot support
You can use footstool, low coffee table or
Stack of pillows to raise your legs like a chest
feed. If you raise your feet and feet
About baby breast cancer etc
Back pain

Pillows and more pillows
Your neck, arms, feet and back need as
So much support you can give
Wrap your body with a pillow. If you put
Sleeping baby for pillow, wrap,
He will be very comfortable and much closer
Your nipples. Can for extra comfort
Purchase a specially made nursing pillow
I will surround your waist.

Any table
Always small table or stand
In your arms the length of your chest feeding chair.
What you use is
Coaster and glass of liquid. Some women prefer
Drink straw while others like to do
Drink from glass.

I also want to keep a healthy snack in hand
Similarly, such as fresh fruits, nuts, or crackers
And peanut butter to help replace it
Energy to use breast feed.

If your baby is a late eater or there is really big
You may want to keep your appetite busy while using
You can fill the shelf while he feeds
Cupboard or bookcase near your favorite
Books and crossword puzzles occupy themselves
Until your baby is full. You are also
Near phone so you can talk
Family and friends to pass time.

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