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Zen no tsuki.

Toru uploading articles to come up with more obstacles. (Notice I diddnt say hello).

Small tits. :
Self, improve. , Help, imposible, ghetto, lift up

Article body:
This is the way I use it to bring thoughts into the physical world. Many of them are so numerous that it makes it easier to find real world workarounds when obstacles and hurtles emerge.

I do not know exactly why they work but they do. Ok, for the first one, take all your money from your pocket. Now place it on the table or something on the other side of the room. Current artistic - You can also take a DIRECT seat. Now look at that money and think about how to get back to your pocket and get that money. List them, they can not be helped. It seems. If you are not magical, get up and get it. The only way. If you are magical, you do not need this article, so put it and imeechatly, call me.

What to do with this practice makes you see what you think in the physical world. And then, the way you get what you want is to get it back to you. The funny thing isnt there isnt it impossible to keep trying to figure out how to get your money off the table there. There is nothing to be said. I believe it is true. If you use lots of this exercise you get answers to some hard questions.

 Everything is possible until it is proved.

Sometimes, assume the reality you are still thinking about. It wouldnt be much easier to find a way to make something if you can see it. I believe that if you can see the details in your mind, I will give clues about how to make it really. I think that it is stale about that, but it works with the right feeling.

If you continue to practice for different thoughts, you begin to give the burden of evidence impossible. And better know what you expect than more than you think earlier, and better you will deal with obstacles and hurtle and problems, so let it react better in the process, 2 For one price. This will actually work and try it.

Shadowareal ( from the day's article)


What is wisdom? But first, if not necessary, what is the desired rendering condition and what is its essential purpose?

Small tits. :
Wisdom, purpose, life, suffering, satisfaction, religion, happiness, success, courage, consciousness

Article body:
What is wisdom? But first, if not necessary, what is the desired rendering condition and what is its essential purpose?

Life is a desire to live, a desire to live happily. As we strive to fulfill this desire, we encounter obstacles that complicate or disappoint our efforts. Because it is on the road of satisfaction, this complication and discontent will suffer.

In order to be able to do with wisdom, assistance of rice This suffers. It is an adaptation product of the reasons facing a tough situation. Thanks to that, happiness is all considered and achievable despite all. Therefore, it is best of the best.

In fact, since religion plays the same purpose as wisdom, it is good that many ranks are as high as high. The difference lies in the way that religion and wisdom depict sufferings and define the meaning of life.

From a religious point of view, suffering betrays the state of secular imperfection that is inconsistent with the human desire for perfect happiness. Therefore, the life below here that is destined to suffer human beings is irrational in itself. Or rather, life is strictly meaningful to the end of the heaven beyond the heaven by mean: the life of virtue prepares the way for the world after the death of bliss. Religion believes this according to the teachings of inspirational spiritual leaders who claim to know the transcendental nature of the afterlife.

Personally I will open my mind while casting skeptical eyes to these teachings. They are very dubious, but the transcendental nature of that object puts them beyond the scope of any trust based on definitive evidence.

Anyway, as I see, wisdom is independent of religion, but I can complement the latter. Though these lives themselves have meaning, their imperfections and acceptance in man. Still well, they will learn to evaluate this flaw at the same time as perfection opposes popular beliefs, while being conscious of infinitely unfavorable

Certainly, perfect happiness leaves what is desired. By definition, it excludes all forms of suffering, therefore complications and dissatisfaction. It assumes the situation absolutely advantageous. Therefore, no effort is necessary while all the dreams are possible. At first sight, this sounds like the most amazing situation you can imagine, but if you look at it again, it will dispel this illusion.

I wonder what kind of strange caprice is out of their cozy house in the history of mankind and strongly is not whimsome from everywhere in life to embark on a dangerous venture. Many conquests were made for the pleasure of conquest against great probability. The words of surgery are proud, accompanied by excitement. In order to conquer people, the ease of infinite heaven involves infinite boredom. For them, life is exactly that, along with indispensable struggle there is a desire for perfect happiness. It is an opportunity to prove courage and victory, but that is also the risk of painful failure.

Happiness is to grab this opportunity with courage and to gain victory over the obstacles between us and success in all the activities most important to us. This victory is often fierce, always limited, unstable, temporary and we will ultimately lose the fight.

We will investigate our nature to know our purpose when we try to define most worrying activities to succeed. Our growth depends on this research and this knowledge and leads to this definition. It begins with the consciousness of our animals to survive, is the foundation of life as survival, truly human beings are built, The consciousness of life in this sense is as follows. Taking into consideration our human nature and personality, as a member of a society with specific preferences and abilities suitable for a wide range of activities.

More specifically we are able to live our lives with our determination and enthusiasm for our purposes, so we achieve success and happiness and vice versa as well. Therefore we mean to infer the efforts after wisdom we lay the basis for success and happiness.

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