Have you ever felt tired at the end of the day, you know that you were working your butt, but you are really disappointed to say what it is the least . Here are the seven strategies that are guaranteed to increase your productivity ... and I don't use "guaranteed words" lightly!
It's tough. :
Be more productive, time management, Sandra Martini, business coach, online marketing, make millions, work on pjs Boston virtual solutions, enterpriserure, enterpriserure,
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Copyright 2006 Sandra P. Martini
Have you ever felt tired at the end of the day, you know that you were working your butt, but you are really disappointed to say what it is the least .
Here are the seven strategies that are guaranteed to increase your productivity ... and I don't use "guaranteed words" lightly!
1. Most "To Do" lists are useless.
There, I say that, after the task has to deal with it, we make a list and insist that we put fairly colored "A", "B" and "C" identifiers
Tasks have a start time, but no end time. If you just make one change, do this: put the start and end times for everything you do and see how long you achieve!
2. The right "tool"
You have to have a schedule – you are deliberately your priority of the day and you don't guarantee anything "bumps" I do not let the client get out on the phone or his office If you ask me to visit, I know what I am doing, so I have a schedule for each day, week and year
You may be able to put on the usual things that you have built up every day only to what you need for your schedule. I write daily. It takes place slowly on your own schedule, incorporating only the day and day. It is now, I rarely miss routine.
Another serious tool is what I love to call my "chat pad". I handle steno's notes for each customer / master of what I need to discuss with them (and the resulting actions of that discussion) so I divide the phone,
3. Ask this question.
What is your most effective use of time now?
If you have a cancer plan that is unusual for you, answer your own problem and that depending on it. You dramatically improve the quality of work.
4. Know your worth.
How much money do you want to make this year? We assume that you work eight hours a working day, and if you earn $ 50,000 this year, each hour is worth $ 25.61 and the price is $ 0.427 per minute
Are you intending to make $ 100,000 this year? Each hour is worth $ 51.23 and every minute is worth $ 0.852.
So for every work day time you waste, you lost $ 6,250, $ 50,000 income and $ 12,500, $ 100,000 income.
5. Delegate, do not regress.
As an entrepreneur (or a enthusiastic entrepreneur) who now knows the value of his time, it is worthwhile to outsource those activities that are bad or hated
While delegation is critical to the optimal use of your time and energy, be sure not to relinquish responsibility for those items. Keep a running list of delegated tasks and check in to that person (remember yourself using "Chatpad").
6. Post your goals.
You can post on the goal and consistently confirm your motivational body.
Do you want extra kicks on your pants? Post a picture of that new car, new home, or dream vacation. Seeing why you are working to meet your goals gives your potential extra stimulus to get the job done.
7. Keep a success journal
Success "magazines" can be done in several ways. You can simply keep a record of all your successes, or you can follow the Arnold-Parmer method: said he always sees his golf medal, always anticipating the next success.
Please keep this in mind. Can be replaced, can be converted into money for customers and projects. I can not exchange time. Use it wisely.
Seven signs of entrepreneurs
How do you know if there is something to take to start a business? There is really no way to know. But I find common things between the emotional and family fabric of those who are ready to consider entrepreneurial speculation.
It's tough. :
Small and medium enterprises, unique small business stance, small entrepreneurs, small business management
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<h2> Do you have the right personality type to successfully run your business? </ h2>
<p> Take the fire of an entrepreneur in your belly <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/india/smallbusiness/"> Start a business </a> make it a success. Everyone has it. </ p>
<p> How do you know if there is something to take to start a business? There is really no way to know. But I find common things between the emotional and family fabric of those who are ready to consider entrepreneurial speculation. </ p>
<p> Entrepreneurship that can be in any of the so-called categories. But that's probably not bad. In general, the more you are in common with these characteristics, the closer you are probably to be ready to go out on your own. </ p>
<p> 1. You come from a line of people who could not work for someone else. I do not mean that in a negative way. People who are successful in establishing their own business tend to have parents who worked for themselves. It is usually easier to get work with the company than to start your own business. </ p>
<p> 2. You're a poor employee You don't need to sugar coat this. People who start their own businesses tend to be fired from or discontinue some work. I'm not saying that you were fired for lack of work or moved from one job to one of the better pay. You were asked to leave or quit before they fired you. Think of it as a market that tells you the only one you can effectively motivate and manage is yourself. </ p>
<p> 3. Multiple definitions of "job security" are displayed. "I am really envious of the few people I know who have stayed in one employer for 25 or 30 years. They look very safe. In a fast-changing economy, employment security can be a horrible moment. </ P>
<p> 4. You have gone as far as you can go, or you are not going anywhere with everything. Sometimes the motive to start a new venture comes from reaching the top of the pile you are looking around and saying. http://www.microsoft.com/india/smallbusiness/howtoguides.mspx">What is next </a>? ”The early successes are great, but those with driving energy at early retirement are completely less likely to go crazy It is ● </ p>
<p> 5. You have already conducted market research. If you don't have time to calculate if there is a market for your product or service, tell me about your great business idea behind me as a failed internet venture, so it's cool If you do not know if there is a good chance for customers to come in shape, "don't worry" to build it. </ p>
<p> 6. I have your family support. <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/india/smallbusiness/partners.mspx"> Start business </a> is stressful under the best of situations. It is probably unbearable to try to do it without the support of your spouse or other important family or friends. </ p>
<p> 7. I can not know. It might be better to promote business. Perhaps you love moving the financial end of the industry. You can be someone who starts a business because you have a unique creative or technical know-how to create products. </ p>
<p> Any of the above is possible, but it is seldom the case that all these tasks, or all tasks involved in running a business, are excels. I will forget everything. You will need help someday. </ p>
<p> Having an employee, partner, or consultant in a field where you are not an expert is one indicator of your potential for future success. Development consultant Ernesto Sirolli, "Successful entrepreneurs have never been successful alone." The most capable of enlisting the support of others is the most likely to succeed. "</ p>
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