Of course, the general idea behind this article. There are many ingredients for composting and composting, and the last thing needed is to explain the scientific basis behind the technical aspects of the process and the importance of using compost
However, I do not deny the fact that technical explanations like those are also necessary, but there is more to the layman's approach on the subject, and anything I want this article to do.
Compost is an organic substance added to the soil that functions more than just fertilizer. It is a root covering, a soil conditioner, and something that helps the soil give the best nutrients and minerals your plant needs. In the compost, the soil can also hold more water, which is also beneficial to your plant.
There are several methods of composting that you can use or use. The so-called "no-turn" composting method seems to be the easiest. As the title of the method suggests, it is not necessary to turn the compost pile at least weekly to speed up the process of degradation. In this "no-turn" technique, all you need to do is to add a lot of coarse material to your composition.
Adding a lot of straw just makes it better. What the straw does is to create an air pocket and allow the pile to be ventilated. You can expect your composition to grow at the same rate as when using traditional "turn-over" composting techniques. When using this composting technique, be sure to get your composition from the bottom of the mountain. Just add top new organic material in mind also to add coarse material.
If the only available composting material in your yard is a pile and pile of leaves, don't worry. It is possible to make a compound from leaves alone. Only a couple, and some very easy techniques. Choose a place to make your synthetic pile. For the leaves, the site ideal is a well shaded area that helps keep the mountains damp or damp. Also, be aware that the stakes should not be tightly packed. Keep it loose as the air circulates.
In four or six months, compost from the leaves must be complete and ready to be applied to the soil. However, be aware that compost made from leaves does not contain enough nutrients and microorganisms to function as fertilizer. But the finished composition is great as a soil conditioner.
When composting, you will need a carbon and nitrogen rich material, ie scraps of fruits and vegetables and table scraps other than those left on the bones. Other products are egg bales, grass or shrub cutouts, pine needles, seaweed and kelp, coffee grounds, wood ash, tea leaves, cardboard and shredded paper, corn stalks,
To discourage flies and other pests from breaking up in your pile, cover the pile or add new ingredients to your composition Lime and calcium also smells from your pile Help to neutralize the
Misunderstanding surrounding compost
Composting can benefit (when done on a large scale) a large number of your gardens and planets
Method. Many people may be far from composting for some common myths
Or misunderstanding. Some of the most common misconceptions listed below are:
Real information.
* Composting is creating new soil. Composting is not soil, soil or soil
However, it is a humus substance that nourishes the soil.
* Composting takes a lot of time and effort. If you have a box set of synthetics-
All you have to do is add new material just for you and turn or rotate the stakes at once
Two day period.
* Having a compound is too smelly. If your synthetic bin has a bad odor, there is something
It's different. You need to make sure you have enough air circulation and right
Green and brown food combination.
* If I have compost in my backyard, animals are coming and trying to dig through
That. There is a cover for your synthetic bin and ensure a good layer of brown
The food (at least one inch) is on top not having any animal control
It is a problem
* It does not work if I do not measure the exact proportion of green to brown food.
Composting is not an accurate science if you add more than a week of green food
Balance next week with additional brown food-it's okay. you are
What is composting in time to be able to tell. Therefore, it is necessary to be short in this research.
Composting is an easy, eco-friendly and inexpensive way to fertilize
Lawn, garden or house plant. Will be your mature compost with some time and patience
It is ready to use anywhere from one month to one year.
I hope you were able to have a simplified view of the compost and got some useful, easy tips from the article. Please keep in mind that I would like this composting to be difficult.
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