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About the importance of marketability evaluation

The inventor is not able to have an independent evaluator to examine and evaluate it even before he starts pouring his heart and money on his inventions and ideas
why? In the professional marketability evaluation service invent or think about answering the following questions-

Can my inventions (or ideas) be profitable (or successful) in the current market?
Is it possible to produce an end product based on an invention-idea using existing technology?

It's tough. :
Sale ideajets of invention of invention idea of ​​a

Article body:
Introduction -

The inventor is not able to have an independent evaluator to examine and evaluate it even before he starts pouring his heart and money on his inventions and ideas

why? In the professional marketability evaluation service inventing or thinking about answering the following questions

Can my inventions (or ideas) be profitable (or successful) in the current market?

Is it possible to produce an end product based on an invention-idea using existing technology?

Advantages of marketability evaluation service

First of all, you need to separate the professional marketability assessment service from the large number of invention promotion companies you can find in TV ads.

For example, the Innovation Research Institute (formerly Walmart Innovation Network) provides a professional and objective analysis of the risks and commercial possibilities of the invention.

A professional valuation service company is sweetened with sugar in your invention and will not sell back to you as the best invention of the decade. Marketability assessors look independently at your invention and provide the following report

-Product success reports using the latest trends present in specific market sectors

-Report laws (local and federal) that may affect research and ideas

-Competition allocation report, noting potential obstacles and obstacles

-Analyze the "necessity" of the invention; factoring the "necessity" factor in estimating the size of the potential marker of the final product

In addition, professional Marketability consultants will contact you with the potential manufacture of your product. Quite often the consultant gives a cost analysis and gives a few breakdowns of what it takes to produce your product, the selected manufacture. The final manufacturing report has a key personnel telephone number that the inventor can call if he is ready to start producing his product.

Additional benefits of marketability evaluation service

Banks and financial institutions have a higher chance to succeed and grand finance to inventors that have received positive marketability reputation from reputable service companies

In addition, if a marketability assessment service consultant finds your invention non-commercially or is very expensive to produce, we will report the advice to a patent invention that will only fund a serious stop. In most possibilities, your invention is certainly too expensive to produce non-commercial or existing technology too.


According to the Innovation Services Center in Wisconsin, the cost of introducing new products into the market has skyrocketed in the past decade. Furthermore, despite the enormous effort of the inventor (loss of time and money), most of the new inventions have not been successful. Considering the above facts carefully,

Marketability assessment service consultants should be aware that they are a great resource for the inventor and help to identify at a very rudimentary stage of product development,

Product beneficial, whether your invention has the potential to help identify the specific market sector to be successful!

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