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Avoid discrimination suits

Be careful about hiring and firing
AmCheck's PEO / ASO Human Resources department helps your company avoid discrimination suits, including racial and age discrimination lawsuits.

It's tough. :

Discrimination lawsuit, lawsuit, age discrimination lawsuit

Article body:

One of the advantages of outsourcing to professional employment organizations Management service organizations ASO such as PEO or Amcheck, the personnel department of your PEO / ASO, you can be a federal law on discrimination And that's part of why you might be involved in the process of firing.

Recent legal changes are making it increasingly difficult to avoid legal tangles with existing and former employees in the future. For example, consider the case where you need to pay attention to employee relationships as a result of a sexual harassment case. You have a way to treat your elderly employees as a result of age discrimination in the Employment Act (ADEA) to avoid age discrimination lawsuits, or because you are

In addition to these federal laws, there may be local or state laws that employers must comply with. Each of the laws considered in doing the promotion demoting, or transferring employees or other departments.

Always consult the Human Resources Department before taking any employment action. The HR fact finder recommends protecting your company from costly court struggles by avoiding impulsive employment, terminations, transfers, promotions, etc. Companies whose decisions in these areas are carefully considered should be able to avoid most legal tangles involved in discrimination lawsuits.

Case of points:
The recent "business downsizing of large companies" transferred five women (including a woman manager with a term of 12 years or more) to another department and decided to reduce the rewards. Was replaced by a man of less Despite the fact that this was probably a good intention attempt to make the department more efficient, it is being prompted by the act of discrimination

This article brought to you by AmCheck. Visit us at HR Fact Finder This article, previously, "Excerpt from an article titled Human Resources: Some Notes on Employment and Termination"

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