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Baby and horse colic

Ejaculation is one of the problems shared by both humans and horses. However, unlike a baby, its colic is an incidental problem that only goes away after a few months; horse colic is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.

Her colic pain

Ejaculation is a digestive tract problem characterized by stomach and abdominal pain. Until now, there is no reason why this happens with babies. Experts believe that colic comes from the gas in the intestine. In babies, cramps begin as early as three weeks.

The first sign can of course scream often crying, and lasts five hours from nonstop time anywhere in time. It falls between the peak during the second month and the third month. By the end of the fourth quarter, we will stop at the case of colic only.

Although posing for a baby with colic does not really have much risk, parents are still worried about the amount of crying it can get up. There is no known cause, nor is there a specific treatment or solution. In fact, the only thing a parent can do is to make the pain experience as painful as possible. It is like music to be a child, and it is music that is comfortable even if you walk. Detracts from the thought that parents should have.

Equine headache

The pain in horses is not the same. In addition to being a serious problem, horse colic can appear at any time and at any age. The same reaction is triggered in horses. They also cry and drown all the places with prancing. In severe cases, they can even become wild as they assume difficult and almost unnatural positions to relive in pain. .

However, horse owners should remember that horse's colic has a much different start. Unlike humans who are easily felt and can show pain by crying horses deal with it alone by the listlessness and lack of energy.

They will begin to refuse food and will not have the appetite to eat. This is one of the signs that horse owners often miss when trying to cope with colic. Remember only to get in, there is still pain and still in a tough situation. I was forced to have a silence of trouble.

Different wired

Horses also can not cope with crush pain the same way humans can. Because of the different body structures and body systems, they can not vomit or relieve pressure that they feel in their stomach. Because of this, pain and problems can build up inside. This is probably why horse's colic is much more serious. In fact some horses respond to therapy and eventually get better; most get worse despite drugs and treatment.

Another reason that colic is a horse problem is the fact that they are built in different ways. It is therefore particularly susceptible to food effects and disorders.

When suffering from colic, it is important to call your veterinarian as soon as possible so that you can get proper treatment. Also make sure that your horse has no access to solid food like hay or grass. The only thing that horses are allowed to take is water.

What is a baby's colic pain?

A baby's colic is a condition that a baby often yells at all or for a long term with no apparent reason. Conditions usually appear within the first few months of baby's life, and most places on the baby's colic are given as soon as the baby has arrived around the time approaching eight months of the presence of the outside world. It may be common to all babies but may also occur in breast-fed infants. Crying often occurs in the evening frequently during certain times of the day.

The cause of infantile colic is not yet fully established, but the amount of crying is different among babies, so the general fit regarding the definition of infantile colic parents, however, it is not time It should be noted that it is only possible to pass away obstacles that may require treatment immediately The only way to distinguish if the baby is colic is other causes that are crying It is to exclude. The acceptance of the thumb is when the baby is crying violently more than three days a day, for more than three hours to every seizure of crying, for more than three weeks every month.

Although the actual cause of infantile colic is not known as it is now, health care professionals have never done so in the processing of food to the baby, as some conditions may be experienced by the neonate There may be an immature digestive system that has begun.

The gastrointestinal system has literally begun to learn its function. Digestive muscles may not yet develop the proper rhythm to move food efficiently through the digestive tract. This may cause frequent and unpleasant stomach upset in infants, why there are conditions like infant colic, and why almost all infants live

Another explanation for infantile colic can involve the mother. There4 is eaten by a lactating mother who may contain allergens and dangerous chemicals that can result in discomfort and digestive upset of the baby's colic

Throughout lactation, trace elements of cruciferous vegetables and other gases produce food to be delivered to the baby through mother's breast milk, causing gas and bloating in infants, or even feeding infants and feeding air or crying while infants swallow Some discomfort with the addition of gas bloat, baby.

Currently, there is no generally accepted treatment for infantile colic. It is a condition when medical professionals try to approach differently. Many physicians believe that infantile colic is currently incurable and that it is usually best to carry out the course. What mothers can do is try to make their baby comfortable. Gentle measures such as the use of pacifiers and gentle shaking are effective in calming the baby while crying.

Some parents can also take turns holding the baby upright, which seems to reduce the pain and crying of the infant. Certain homeopathic remedies can also be utilized as an excellent option for treating infantile colic symptoms. Homeopathic treatment is considered safe, completely without allergens, with no known side effects. It is up to the parents to consider such alternatives, as long as they are very effective in treating the symptoms of colic.

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