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Best Food for Your Synthetic Bin

There are some rules to follow about what can be put in your composite bin and to follow

Order to keep your piles healthy and working properly. Most popular organic

The ingredients that you add to your compost will be scraps of the kitchen. Kitchen scrap

Considered green foods that feed your composition as they contain nitrogen

Necessary elements to the process.

It's a good idea to have a container with an airtight lid to store food waste at yours

Kitchen No home at home in insects and pests

Every time you make a meal or snack you are moving into your synthetic bin. Your kitchen

The container is air tight You also reduce the unpleasant smell.

Here is a list of the most commonly used compost items from the kitchen:

* Vegetable peel and seeds

* Fruit peel, heart and seeds

* Coffee grounds-can also compost paper filters

* Tea bag or loose tea leaf

* Crushed eggshells are cooked or do not add raw remaining eggs


You can be tempted to add other food scraps to the bin. Please do not add

The meat and bones of any animal, oily products, or fish are left, as well as to make sure they are

The smell of the compost made with unwanted insects is terrible. You always

Add your green food to the synthetic bin and make sure to cover it under a thick layer of

Brown food (dry leaves, waste of yard like wood chips or other carbon making agents,

Sawdust, or small twigs).

In addition to putting brown food on, if your food scraps are very wet or damp

Scrap mixes some with waste too. This allows for better air circulation.

Seasonal considerations for composting

Most composting takes place between spring and summer. The reason is that there is heat

Such an important element to the process. Composting process itself

Generate heat and warmth from the weather will certainly help everything.

Most composts dormant in winter and start up again in spring

Thawing and warm temperature. But if you live in a mild climate that doesn't get tough

Winter has a way to continue composting during the winter.

You can create an insulated composite bin. With plastic waste, you dig a big hole

Enough deep to put at least six inches of underground cans. Use natural insulation.

A straw-like material stuffs it around the base and above the side of the can. to continue

You can compost as you do.

This method is still fast to work in the winter months

The material will still be decelerated and disassembled. Winter composting makes it possible to:

Continued thing of recycling kitchen scrap to leave

Have compost at the beginning of spring to use in your garden.

Spring and fall are the best time to collect leaves to start a new compost bin. of

Spring, the leaves you collected are already beginning to break down as they remain wet

Thermal insulation throughout the winter. It doesn't matter if you collect your leaves

Either season-they are a perfect base for new compost piles. If used dry

From autumn leaves, consider putting them through some kind of chipper.

Smaller, already cutting it out helps the entire composting system.

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