Improvements By knowing your personal-business relationship, unintended God and signal body language is transmitted.
It's tough. :
Business, Body language, Communication, Eye-contact, Facial expression, Posture
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How much is it happening to you even when not talking to people? If you are not a master of disguise, you are constantly sending messages about your true thoughts and feelings whether you are using words.
Surveys show that your word explains only 7% of the messages you carry. The remaining 93% are non-language. 55% of communications are based on what people see and the other 38% are transmitted by voice tone. So think about it. In a business setting, you can see what people are not saying. If your body language does not match your words, you are wasting your time.
I am aware of the communication in front of my eyes. When you are looking at other people, you show interest. Gives the impression that no one else matters when you fail to make an eye contact. About 60% of the time to seem interested, but not aggressive to maintain eye contact.
Facial expressions are another form of non-verbal communication. Smile sends a positive message, life and death situations are good for all. A smile adds the warmth and aura of confidence. Others are more sensitive if you remember to check your expression.
Not only when you are talking, your mouth gives clues. You can show that you are thinking about what you are listening to, such as mouth movements, such as squirting your lips, twisting them to one side, etc.
The position of your head talks to people. Keeping your head straight is not the same as keeping your head straight. People will take you seriously. If you want to encounter a friendly and open, tilt your head to one side.
How acceptance is suggested by placing your arms. Arms crossed or folded over your chest say you are not interested in closing other people and what they are saying. This position can also be said, "I do not agree with you." You may be cold, but unless you shiver at the same time, people in front of you may receive the wrong message.
I have an image of being damaged by the used weapon. Some have strong motivation, others are anxious and immature as this gesture. The best place for your arm is your side. I am relaxed with an expression full of confidence. If this is hard for you, always do what you want to do when you want to get better in some practice. After a while, it will feel natural.
The angle of your body gives other indications about what is going through your head. "Tell me more." You leaned off the signal you heard enough. Adding your head cue is another way to assert that you are listening.
Posture is as important as your grandmother always said. Sitting or established, these alerts are described. When you slump in your chair or lean on the wall, look tired. No one wants to do business with someone who has no energy.
Control your hands paying attention to where they are. In the business world, you need to be able to see your hands, especially when dealing with people from other cultures. I wish to have a pocket resist against my table or behind. Stir your hair or rub your face and be out of the professional with your hand anywhere on the neck.
I also speak my feet. Many movements show tension. It does not take how to go around. The preferred location for the abraded professional is the flat foot of the floor or leg across the ankle. The least professional and most aggressive position is resting one foot or ankle on your other knee. Some people call this "Figure Four." It can make you look arrogant.
The distance you keep from others is crucial if you want to establish a good relationship. It stands too close or marks you "on someone's face" forcefully. Placing yourself too far makes it seem standoffish. Both are what you want to find a medium that is so happy. The most important thing is to make others feel comfortable. Stop if the person you are talking to continues to support from you. There is a need for that person's needs space and there is a breathing mint.
It may not be aware that you will get the message itself. Make sure that it is what you want to send.
(c) 2004, Lydia Ramsey. All rights reserved for all media.
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