No doubt, the world is a big place. However, with the constant development of information technology, the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller.
It's tough. :
China's e-Government to be reality soon
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No doubt, the world is a big place. However, with the constant development of information technology, the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller.
One example is the work of China Expert Technology. (OTB BB: CXTI.OB), a company that builds network infrastructure and provides e-Government services to communities and city halls in China and Hong Kong.
Analysts predict China's e-government systems market will reach $ 6.6 billion this year.
Recently, China's experts to build e-government infrastructure for the three cities of Fujian Province: Zhejiang, South-South, the final project to be completed by 2006: In fact, Chinese experts Is the only company given such an exclusive contract in China.
These contracts integrate our group's global e-platforms with their cities.
The creation of these e-government platforms has some important implications. First, they allow the government to reduce red tape and become more efficient. Currently, most of China's government's business is conducted through face-to-face or written communication. This makes it difficult for the average person to get timely information.
A unified electronic platform allows access to information on local government issues and questions at a site. Users can find information on topics ranging from social security and taxes to water and agriculture. In addition, the electronic platform includes a database that allows governments to manage population, geography, and economic data.
These sites also lead to more internet use by Zhejiang residents, Nanan and Dehua. Recent studies have now shown that only 5.2% of Chinese government websites are used frequently The By the end of 2005, China will use an estimated 1.5 million people-11 percent of the population-Internet. Therefore, both government and Chinese people will benefit from these concentration sites.
Finally, e-platform will allow the governments of these three cities to exchange information easily, so they will be Chinese experts in other cities of Fujian
If 1.5 million users for building input on platforms such as China, is it the United States in the city by doing the same in China? The world's governments also enable more efficient communication from one government to another, more profitable trade and other. May lead to profits
Effective Web Page Design for E-Commerce
With so much attention to marketing, many business owners ignore the basic aspects of successful e-commerce: web page design.
It's tough. :
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The widespread supply of high-speed Internet access has resulted in a greater number of consumers making online purchases. This will reach all buyers from all stripe business owners-individuals working from home to large box mass merchandisers-more buyers and exponentially
Many theories, marketing and advertising online stores of events on a wide range of topics, marketing advertising certainly take care. But by focusing so much attention on marketing, many business owners ignore the basic aspects of successful e-commerce: web page design.
If you do not have a professional web page design, it is unimportant how much traffic will be generated on your site as those visitors will not convert to customers. A website that I thought was very good had to collect a powerful visitor (although I wanted to stay with the visitor). Here are six tips to help your web design conversion visitor to your customers, then:
1. Keep it clean. A professional web page designer tells you to keep your virtual storefront clean and clutter free. It's clear to the visitor the type of items you sell immediately without overwhelming them with lots of hyperlinks, whistles and flashing buttons and words If you could certainly incorporate a flash introduction of your web design Give, visitor control. He or she should skip the flash or pause so that annoying factors are minimized.
2. Intuitive operation. Your website designer thinks like your customers and takes a few clicks to take to get your customers to point A to B easily to products or products from your home page of interest More likely than the number it is for your visitors to make a purchase.
3. Search function. Customers need to be able to find what they need quickly and easily. It's a great start allowing customers to search by keyword or product number. Going a step further, enabling a "fuzzy" search that returns common spelling errors matches is even better.
4. Seamless Shopping Many e-commerce sites pick up items and lose customers at a critical juncture between committing to buy them. An intuitive, easy-to-use shopping cart is needed for the online shopping experience. Again, checkout the breeze where your web page designer should think and make the shopping cart like your customer.
5. SSL Certificate. If you are an online merchant, you can not avoid the need for SSL certificates. Identity theft in connection with the issue, you can make your site secure with confidence that you do not need it.
6. Leave it to the experts. When it comes to web page design, don't give in to the temptation to make it yourself. Even if you have a web design program, you need to hire a business web page designer to create a web site. An e-commerce solution that encourages professionals to help your business succeed online, stick visitors, and purchase your products
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