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CNC data transfer method

CNC machines do not work without programs. It is an effective data transfer system without a group machine. So what is the method of data transfer?

Punch tape

The first data transfer method is punch tape. It consists of a long piece of paper that is pierced to store data. A hole represents a set of data that tells the machine how to move and what to do.

This method proved to be very versatile and very useful. It has been specially designed to address the range of being illegible over time without problems, while numerous magnetic storage devices have been shown that punch tape is a good decade and maybe later in the century The movement is almost flat with the end of the The punch tape can be visually deciphered if the need arises. This is not a problem for human accessibility.


While punched tape is a fairly long roll of paper, floppy disks are smaller magnetic storage devices with more space available than punched tape. A simple program that can also be used.

A floppy disk is a tape that punches data at a store or data transfer speed so that you can make data from one point to another. Also, data floppies can be easily edited and loaded by any appropriate program. However, this method has proven to be quite problematic in the long run, as floppies tend to degrade surprisingly fast. Floppy can be unreadable after only three years.


This method is actually a standard set of serial binary signals connecting between computers, terminals, and modems. This is a fast and efficient way to transfer data.

This cable connects and punches out the CNC machine eliminating the need for computer and floppy disk support. This remotely and equalizes the input data while the operator is performing other tasks. However, it should be used in conjunction with an effective data storage device to have a backup in case of emergency.


In the network industry scenario, the network is run on a machine for programming individually by several different users.

In this way, access and transfer data to multiple users is remote. This validates data to programmers for faster and more efficient check-in and balance systems. It is also a user with aggregation as different programmers who complete in different parts of the program. This makes program creation quick and easy.

Manual data entry (MDI)

MDI allows users to put commands directly into the memory of the CNC machine. While this may seem like an effective way of telling the machine what to do, there are actually many drawbacks.

It is also very dangerous as it is necessary to use the terminal of the machine, even though it is the fastest way to convey the machine, what it does Not fast. It's already a user access machine, a long process.

Another drawback that comes with MDI is that it limits the operator to only one task at a time. However, MDI allows most control of the machine compared to other methods.

Cycle time reduction principle for CNC machining equipment

What is the definition of cycle time?

Cycle time is defined as the time between the start of a task or series of tasks and the completion of the task. For example, cycle time is the time it takes for a shipping order to be loaded into a truck and output before the system is updated. Another definition is the time it takes to load, execute, and unload a workpiece.

How long does the cycle time of the machine take from pressing the button to start the cycle for the first workpiece to the pressing next button for the next workpiece

As production volume in the industry runs more workpieces, it becomes more important to achieve the goal of reducing cycle time.

Everything that happens with computer numerical control (CNC) processing equipment can be divided into four categories:

1.) Online, productive tasks:

These are the actual machine actions that occur during the CNC cycle. These are milling, grinding, tapping, spreading, and any other machining operations that facilitate the completion of the workpiece in a manner. There are two ways in which this can be achieved in order to minimize the cycle time in these areas. One would be through careful process planning.

Process engineers need to match the appropriate machine tools, cutting tools, jigs and machining sequences with the number of workpieces to be machined based on production volume Cycle time used to machine workpieces Process reflection.

Many times that your company's processes have already been developed and implemented before you begin your cycle time reduction program, and you

2.) Online, non-productive task:

These are tasks that occur during machining cycles that do not actually advance the completion of the workpiece. First of all, the improvement for the computer numerical control method is a waste run program. These are things like rapid movements, tool changes, M code execution and spindle acceleration or deceleration. Reducing program execution time in this area is usually easy.

It is important to carefully find a few workpieces to find those times the program can change to eliminate noticeable pauses during the cycle Workers on these machines should not overlook other processes Please note in particular.

3.) Offline and non-productive tasks:

These are the work done on a machine cycle that does nothing to promote completion of the workpiece. While these types of work are performed while the machine is producing the workpiece, it does not really add to the cycle time. It is possible to release machine operators of off-line productive work execution, if they have little, or nothing to do during a long machine cycle

4.) Offline and productive tasks:

These are the work done by the CNC machine, while the machine is producing a workpiece that facilitates the completion of the workpiece. This is very useful during a long CNC cycle, the job of this department can effectively reduce the cycle time and reduce the time taken to complete the production run dramatically

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