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Continuous care for your compost pile

You will need a pile of compost unless you are using the cold compost method

Regular care and maintenance. Every dirty odor, it needs to be monitored for heat generation,

And moisture levels. You need to rotate or rotate the material regularly. you

You need to stop adding material and know when to end the process. And the last step

Using a screen to separate large materials that were not completely destroyed

If there is an offensive odor coming from your synthetic pile, turn the pile to increase the air

Circulation. You also need to add more brown food (leaf, straw / hay, or small twigs)

And make sure that the top layer of your mountain is only brown food.

I will learn the trick of hydrolyzing piles and moisturize

Some trial and error and wet. Inevitably, you will get the mountain too wet at one point

During the process. If so, try rotating the material to absorb excess water

It adds more brown food and does not work.

You can buy a thermometer specifically made for composting. I want you

Pile (105-140 degrees Fahrenheit) to hold a constant temperature to work properly

Above 155 degrees, it is too hot.

Your mountain's regular turn is necessary to add oxygen, reduce odor and aid

Destruction process. First of all your stakes daily or minimum

Twice a week

After the heat phase, the pile of compounds needs to cure and finish the time

Disassembly process. You can add red earthworms at this point to help cure


You should put the composite through the screen before using your finished product

Compost that had no big items in the fishing area is adequate enough.

 When is your composition ready

You need patience for your compost. It can be taken anywhere.

You are ready to use your first batch of humus. It depends on the size of your bin,

You are using cold or hot compost, what you are putting in compost

weather. Another factor to consider is the use of a finished product for you.

Different uses can utilize the composition at different stages of the process.

It is acceptable for longer compositions to be better, darker, and more abundant.

Now I have to wait and use it in this state. If you want to use

Compost as mulch for your flower bed and other areas of your garden

It is still in chunkier state. Multis are used to keep the soil temperature uniform

And we stop the growth of weeds.

If you are going to use the grown composition to add to your planting pot the compound

It should be at the end of the process. Things to look for knowing that your compost

I am ready:

* The amount of material that is in your bin will be reduced to about half of

Original content.

* Or, like the finish material

Parts are recognizable.

* The mountain is no longer hot (using a hot composting method))

* Composition looks very dark, rich in color like soil on top

In order to get a stable supply of mature compost, it is recommended to have two boxes

The system goes. If your first container is complete, you can continue to keep with

Until you can use the material from the beginning

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