Internal diamond defects
It is an incomplete gem stone when it is considered that the diamond is defective. Something about diamonds did not form properly, or there are small flaws in the stone. Diamond defects and inclusions are often not noticeable to the average person, you mind the small inclusions that occur with most diamonds, and in fact, can be labeled "perfect" Diamond is very small, but if it is in the category without diamond defects and inclusions
There is some minor inclusion that the diamond seems to be slightly dull. As inclusions within the diamond can affect the clarity of the stone, it is intercepted by inclusion as the light passes through the stone. Many of these flaws and inclusions can be reduced or fixed with the various forms of treatment processes that gemologists and jewelers have learned to do over the years
Other diamond defects and inclusions may be sufficiently large to cause weakness within the gem stone Stones are much more easily powder than stone without weakness As these reduce the value of your stone you are careful I would like to make a defect.
Pinpoint intervention
When diamonds have dark quartz specks in the group or are dispersed in stone, the form of diamond defects and inclusion havea form called precise inclusion When all dark crystals are gathered in the stone, the transparency of the diamond is also high It looks like there are "clouds" in the stone. It causes defects and inclusions in these types of diamonds, and by making the diamonds, it has a large influence on the effect.
Problems from laser treatment
Laser treatment of imperfect diamonds and removal of dark diamond defects and inclusions from the gem, leaving a line on the diamond that looks like a thread Laser lines start at the outer edge of the diamond and dark inclusions are laser Move inwards to the area processed by. Most people who view these diamond defects and inclusions unsightly easily, less than a diamond is desirable.
Mineral and crystal inclusions
If most diamond defects or inclusions are negative, but diamond defects or inclusions are actually the eye-catching side of your diamond For example, diamond is usually small because there are many diamonds inside small crystals It is some kind of magnifying device that can not be seen in things. The transparency of diamonds can also be achieved by these crystals if there is enough, and if they are all grouped together in one area of diamond.
There are a few rare cases when another gem is really inside the diamond, indeed it could not be seen as a defect or inclusion of the diamond. For example, if there is a ruby or emerald surrounded by diamonds, you see it as a special piece of jewelry-not scratched!
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