The founding father had a way to rule people, for people, for people, by ideas for people and for people, but this is a government, because it is bad for us, I
It's tough. :
Gambling, casino, government
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In the 230-year history of America runs the government as the job looks best as people telling people what's the best for them and not the government
The most recent example, the Internet gambling ban was signed last week by President Bush. The bill will be sent by the bank or credit card company to the casino for betting on sports and opportunities like roulette, blackjack and poker.
These games are regularly enjoyed harmlessly by millions of Americans every day, but the government allows no one to play these games in online casinos
This is not the first case where the government is against people's hope, the government decided that alcohol consumption should be banned in the early 1900s. So rather than educating people with the ill effects of prolonged alcohol abuse the US government banned alcohol.
However, instead of reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages, it will increase and the organized dirt will be moonlighted because the government did not allow alcohol production and import
Another great example of a failed policy to protect people is that wars with drugs the government has been aging since billions of the early 1980's of the tax dollar
The price of drugs is rising, and many drug addicts who support their habits have to do robbery and murder acts to get their drugs
The American prison is full of people whose only crime was the possession of these illegal drugs.
There are people who are selling these medicines to children at school playgrounds, not a regulated and regulated industry, and shooting each other to protect their territory.
If the government decided not to criminalize drugs, but decided to make it a highly regulated industry, it would provide universal medical care to Americans.
I am not in favor of legalizing hard drugs, but the current system should not misunderstand me not working at all, but I am
If I choose to play Blackjack or some hands of poker from the comfort of my home, what authority will tell me that the government will not
Software and computer-hardware to monitor all of the bank transactions, if not millions to implement this ban
The U.S. government needs to rethink its policy of treating citizens as small children, or the U.S. people need to demand a new government.
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