You drop marketing emails to 100,000 email boxes in a single day, and 100,000 potential new customers get your marketing message
Does it not sound quite attractive? That's the basic marketing strategy and online identity used to build many internet marketers. This is a methodology commonly called "mass mailing". It is a polite word for this technique. The following free term that recipients use for mass marketing email is simply "spam".
Mass mailing marketing is a big business internet. And it's unfair to say that it is used exclusively by fraudulent artists and rats. Many legitimate businesses have tens of thousands of effective companies that offer these services to send your marketing message for a small fee
The charges seem fair, compared to the amount of outgoing email. The marketing formula for success is also modest. Usually the fee for shipment can be offset by a few sales, maybe less than ten. And with 100,000 emails going out, the expectation that you might get a query 10 response that can result in sales of 100-1000 is not unreasonable at all.
The problem is that for any one thousand customers who may be interested in your product or service Your email as nothing if spam remains intact, mass mail service and software are good Business, fraudsters and even virus producers spread bad emails
The result is that the entire cottage industry is born to fight the epidemic of spam. These companies sell software to combat spam. This is a move in which spam operators find ways around spam filters, and spam filter providers stop spam operators' newest tricks
It has become a huge mess and the worst part about it seems to be the only way to do it with a new mass mailing only as a valid internet marketer of a valid product or service. But when you decide to try your hand with many mailing email shipments there you enter the middle of the spam war and then fight the problem of spam
So what do you do in our online business to reach this huge battle serious mess email? For one thing, completely abandon the use of a large amount of mail. They don't work and put on spammers and an offensive company of internet criminals.
There is a much better way to communicate with customers such as website members, newsletters and contests as a customer. Build your relationship with the customer from the customer and email deliverability will also be emitted, which avoids the war and side steps of the overall spam deliverability.
Draw customers to you through web events
The issue of email delivery has put us urgently in the priority of changing the way we communicate with customers on the internet. At the same time, we will email you with almost all the marketing and customer interactions of the implementation. Not so long ago, the communication we all relied almost exclusively on was the only thing email was truly reciprocal about the Internet
Two trends enable scenarios that change the behavior of the Internet. From a negative point of view, email delivery is getting bigger and bigger as it gets bigger year by year. This makes it difficult for online merchants to communicate with undependable emails. This problem is, of course, as junk e-mail constantly corroded etc. already at this point also non-mail private communication. So to avoid having to do a second career to email delivery, to replace email, many online merchants and small
The second development is more aggressive, it is the evolution of the Internet WEB2.0 has changed how the Internet works. All websites now mean the website itself, while business websites used to be nothing more than online brochures
These developments have provided the hassle overhead of trying to keep up with email delivery issues on a monthly basis and an escape for online merchants, but that doesn't mean completely giving up email. One aspect of email that is still completely replaced is its ability to remind customers of your product or service. Just having a very interactive web site is good, but Internet Residents are short in the notorious memory department, they sometimes
Web Events Make Your Customers Want To Come To The Web Site At A Specified Time To Be Part Of A Big Event To Create Excitement Big Selling, Special Speakers, Music Performance Or Your Specialty Interviews with notable fame from the field to experience something new and interesting
It is an issue of reachability that can be acquired widely and communicated widely within the e-mail communication area of Japan. This is especially true for web events. If you go to the effort and expense of scheduling a large event for your users, email delivery problems may stall or result in a failed event
Constructed in a large event for customers to be expected to be deployed interactively by users on the website. You can use your blog, message board or chat room for promotion and create excitement. Then, for each website page, please make an event on the customer registration page and apply for email verification. You can use that verification to prompt your customers to add a specific email address to their preferred user list. If it is in place, email your users about this and other events and return to your website for events, sales
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