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EBay: The first 10 years.

Yes, you are reading it correctly: a decade. eBay was created in 1995 by a person called Pierre Omidyar who lived in San Jose. He wanted to call his site "AuctionWeb" and make it an online market. It was one of the first websites of its kind in the world. The name 'eBay' comes from the range Omidyar used for his site. His company's name is Echo Bay and 'eBay AuctionWeb' was originally just part of the Echo Bay website at The first sale on the site was Omidyar's broken laser pointer, which he earned for $ 14.

Buyers have actually bought an odd number of listings that were sold as super-popular, which made the site faster. Trust in relying heavily on this site will be put to run at most. The site was designed from the beginning to collect a small fee on each sale, and it is this fee Omidyar is used to pay for the Extension of the AuctionWeb more quickly than his current salary Adding up, so, he finished his job and decided to work full time on the site. At this point, in 1996, a feedback facility was added to help buyers and sellers assess each other and make trading safer.

In 1997, Omidyar changed the name of AuctionWeb's-and his company to "Ebay," which is what people were calling the site for a long time. He started spending a lot of money on advertising and had the eBay logo designed. This was a year when a million items were sold (it was a version of the Big Bird toy from Sesame Street).

Then, in 1998-the peak of dot-com boom-eBay became a big business, and at that time the investment of the Internet business was the business strategy it took in the stock market public It encouraged people to sell more collectibles more The beginning soon became a great place to sell anything big or small. Unlike other sites, however, eBay has survived the end of the boom and is going strong today.

1999 ebay saw go to the UK, Australia and Germany sites to launch worldwide. eBay bought, an online retailer like Amazon, introduced in 2000-in the same year, now introduce it to buy-and paypal, in 2002 bought an online payment service.

Pierre Omidyar now gets an estimated $ 3 billion from ebay and still serves as the board chair. Strangely, he holds a personal weblog at Literally millions of items are now bought and sold daily on eBay worldwide. Estimated to be an online world between each $ 100 and $ 14 spent communicating with eBay is also a fun laser pointer.

As you know the history of eBay, maybe you want to know how it can work for you. Our next email gives you an idea of ​​your possibilities.

EBay Buyer FAQ.

So, do you have any questions? What would you like to do something very wrong? Well, fair enough. Here I have a question to ask all the time from the buyer.

Is there a customer service department that I can call Ebay?

Contacts that are considered difficult by eBay run the site as ever needed. Notification mails can be sent and received, and the center setting should be made coherent. Iyone "Live help" webchat.

Get to the phone customer service only eBay Power sellers (very high feedback rating sellers). If you really want to try your luck, you can enter 'ebay [your country] phone number' into the search engine and possibly find something. Unfortunately, it's a chance to have trouble offers or answerphone messages.

It may seem cruel, but imagine the number of people calling eBay every day with the most stupid question if they give their phone number anywhere that wild west nature is in some sense Well, that's part of that attraction.

There are also email messages sent on eBay. What should I do

This email asks you for your password, right? It is a scam, an attempt to scare you, give up your details and try to steal your account. You will not hear about eBay emails with passwords or other account details. Please enter your eBay Umami password Page address will begin at Buy a special "account guard" as a toolbar, assuming that you can not confirm that the password is a fake site.Please contact us at:

Seems to be too good to be true. How does Ebay make money?

For you, buyers are eBay free. The seller, however, pays all sorts of charges: list charges for each item listed, final value charge (percent of items sold for what). They can pay an optional fee for extra services. , Including buying now, extra photos, reserve prices, highlight auctions, bold, you can see the full list of fees fees.html.

It isn't worth the seller, but it's definitely worth keeping or using eBay. The system is very efficient, basically letting both eBay and the seller maintain the lowest possible margin.

How Safe Is Ebay?

Well, as it happens, it is the subject of our next email! All of eBay's safety services for buyers and sellers are in one place, called "SafeHarbor". SafeHarbor handles fraud prevention and investigation, helps resolve disputes, and checks rule breakers. Next time, be safe, read everything about it.

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