Send mail messages in and configure fast. I'm sorry I think a little recalled grammar is important. But they are.
It's tough. :
Email, communication, business, marketing, customer service
Article body:
Send mail messages in and configure fast. I'm sorry I think a little recalled grammar is important. But they are.
Here are some examples of valid email messages for sending ones using grammar pointers. This is not a complete list. The entire textbook is devoted to grammar. However, these few tips are useful.
Improper modifier
Put the modifier in the right place. Certainly-I can tell you where to go as soon as I tell you what the modifier is.
Modifiers are adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives are used to change nouns and pronouns. Adverbs are used to change verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. One way to help remember this is that most adverbs end with the word "ly". "
Example-using modifiers correctly
The following example shows how to use adjectives to modify a noun and adverbs to modify a verb.
Use adjectives to change nouns:
* He did a poor job.
• She contributes frequently.
Use the adverb to change the verb:
• He did a bad job.
• She contributes frequently.
Noun / pronoun match
If a pronoun does not match in number with its antecedent, there is another common grammar problem. Or, in plain English, it means that you are using multiple pronouns to incorrectly change the singular noun or vice versa. The most common offenders use more than one "them" when the sentence really calls the singular "he" or "her". "
For example
This becomes clearer when you read the following example. The figure also has several options for correcting these statements.
A sample of single pronouns vs. multiple pronouns
The following statement is incorrect. Noun and pronoun disagree.
"When customers are upset, they need to vent."
Here are some ways to think reword is correct:
* Rewrite it in plural form:
"When customers are upset they need to ventilate."
• Use him / her:
"When the customer is angry he / she needs to vent."
* Reuse nouns:
"When the customer is angry, the customer needs to vent."
• Reword the sentence:
"The upset customers need to vent."
Recent phenomenon
This particular problem is a recent phenomenon. Long ago, "He" was a standard pronoun used to refer to both genders. In the current round, we tried to be more politically correct. This leads to his / her problem. Errors related to this problem can not only be bad grammar, but also make someone angry.
Future trends
Now that you had a brief history lesson, let's see in the future. After a few years, it may be acceptable to use more than one pronoun "they" with a singular antecedent.
But those days have not arrived yet. So don't use singular nouns and multiple pronouns until you receive an official note from a master of proper English grammar.
Grammar surprise
Here is the final point about grammar. The message may be grammatically correct if the person who is surprised is upset. Your customers, colleagues or bosses may always use the wrong grammar. However, it is a shame to hear how to abuse the recognition. In other words, they can hold you to higher standards. Make sure to measure.
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