What is your spelling skill? "Don't say it doesn't matter. Remember the spell checker!" The spell checker will catch misspelled words. It does not confirm that you used the correct word. I'm still experiencing embarrassing situations with spell checkers [late-onset dyskinesia, I think it's late and wrong.
It's tough. :
Email, communication, business, marketing, customer service
Article body:
What is your spelling skill? "Don't say it doesn't matter. Remember the spell checker!" The spell checker will catch misspelled words. It does not confirm that you used the correct word. I'm still experiencing embarrassing situations with spell checkers [late-onset dyskinesia, I think it's late and wrong.
The spell checker is a great tool. However, I can not do it, but how long it is. I tried and gave a spell quiz.
Spell quiz
Direction: In each statement, select correctly spelled words from the specified choices in square brackets [].
1. The lawyer has filed a [lean, lien] tax.
2. The little boy tracked [a lot, a lot, a lot] of mud to his mother's new white carpet.
3. He was troubled to put a green frog in his sister's bed [already, everything was ready].
4. The driver had gone 95 miles per hour for the police officer he passed.
5. As he made his fifth trip to the [dessert, desert] table, the server dazzled the man.
6. She found a parking lot at her [fourth, fourth] time around the block.
7. Please use the blue company "stationery".
8. The world's largest ball string [quote, sight, site] is a great place to take your family.
9. The Thai you bought is a wonderful [complement, compliment] to your dark blue suit.
10. His wife's opinion influences his choice.
1. Lien is correct.
This is a legal claim on property for payment of debt.
Lean is wrong.
The loan bond may tilt at you for not paying debt, or you may tilt your ladder against the wall.
As a noun, "thin" refers to meat with less fat, such as lean beef.
2. Many are correct.
Refers to an amount or a quantity.
There are no words like that.
Assigning means distributing or assigning, "I will allocate $ 50 in the budget for the new box."
3. It is already correct.
That is "before".
Make everything ready and complete. "She is ready to go."
4. The one passed is correct.
That is the past pass tense.
It makes no sense for the past.
5. The dessert is correct.
When you add "s" and read it backwards, it "spells the stress."
As you all know, I can not cure dessert and I am in a stressful situation.
As a verb, desert means leaving or giving up without permission.
As a noun, the word desert is pronounced differently.
The noun "desert" is a hot, dry place that may go there if you discard your dessert but is not well known for its sweets.
6. The fourth is correct.
"Tstsu" "Ts" "Ts"
It means to move forward.
7. The stationery is correct.
Remember that the word "stationery" contains the same letters as the words "paper" and "letterhead".
Fixed and non-moving or fixed, fixed bikes.
8. The site is correct.
Site is a noun.
A site is a place where something is or exists.
A quote is a verb in the meaning of quoting or mentioning.
Eyesight is the ability to see.
9. Complement is correct.
Think about "e"-it's complete or complete, as the word of definition also includes "e".
To use compliments, I would like to give you praise, ", and think in words" I "."
10. The impact is correct.
Here is an easy, one-time memory effect, which affects the meaning of verbs.
Usually, "effect" is a noun.
When it is used as a verb, the word effect means to bring about like "to bring about change". "
10 = You are perfect (But you already knew.) Continue Mailing!
7-9 = You are fine. But please be more careful. You can learn a few tips from my book, an email etiquette that is easily made (see link in resource box).
4-6 = You can use some help. This work is an email manner operation (link resource box).
A little more than 4 = Ugh! Call now! Schedule a treatment immediately
Spelling results
How were you (doing the dew)? Don't feel overwhelmed (too, changed) the well (not you) (you, ewe). It comes to these words (when it wins), you don't have to memorize everything (they, they are doing, there) meaning. , As a cue), is to use this quiz.
Email punctuation marks
When sending an email message, it is easy to get in a hurry. However, remember to have a huge difference between sending a note to a friend and sending a message to a customer or colleague off a note to a friend.
It's tough. :
Email, communication, business, marketing, customer service
Article body:
When sending an email message, it is easy to get in a hurry. However, remember to have a huge difference between sending a note to a friend and sending a message to a customer or colleague off a note to a friend.
If you sent an email in a professional environment, the message should be professional. And that involves the use of appropriate punctuation. (Huh! You thought you could break the rules, right?)
There is one area of email that gets a little fog. This is a rule that treats punctuation (for example, periods, question marks, exclamation marks) at the end of sentences.
Typed characters have two spaces after the punctuation at the end of the sentence. It came from a typewriter and needed this space. Computer space allocation proportional. Therefore, you can create a break only in space.
In e-mail, two different forms are displayed. Some people use only one space after punctuation that ends the sentence. They also use one space after the colon. Others still use two spaces.
For example
If you are considering using just one space, there are two spaces "old fashioned." Those who prefer two spaces will consider those who use one space "conservative or not professional enough." "
The decision whether to use one space or two is completely up to you. The only rule that follows is that it must be consistent. I was able to use one of the space messages. Do not match the mix.
I want the message to appear as a rule aware and conscious choice. I added an interval at random because you don't want to show the message as if you don't know what the rule is.
You may be able to carry space, when you can't get some of the other points about it yet. All other old rules are still valid.
For more information on punctuation rules, here's another tip if you meet your appetite.
Fan boys
When do you use commas to separate the two ideas in a sentence? The quick answer is "FANBOYS." This is an acronym for word abbreviation:
* And
* Nor
• or
• So
It is a comma that requires two separate verses of mushroom words. Like Well, what is the "independent clause" in the world? It is a phrase that can stand alone. In other words, it has a subject and a verb. It can all be complete sentences alone.
For example, the conference call will be canceled and rescheduled next week.
Subclause can not be done alone. It does not contain both subject and verb. Therefore, it depends on the rest of the sentence.
Do not use commas to connect the Dependent clause to the independent clause. To put it more simply, if one of the phrases can not stand alone (without subject and verb), no comma is necessary.
For example, the conference call will be canceled and rescheduled next week.
Take the time to highlight properly, whether you're closing a sentence or checking for FANBOYS. Your customers and colleagues respect you for it.
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