Almost all countries near major ocean bodies are occasionally plagued by typhoons. In the Pacific, weather disturbances are widely called typhoons. It is a cyclone in the Indian Ocean, most in the United States from the Atlantic, and is called a hurricane.
Typhoons are large amounts of destructive winds and torrential rains accumulated in huge water areas, especially on the sea. Accumulation is promoted by an area characterized by the presence of low pressure which makes evaporation and wind development faster.
A typhoon does not develop overnight. Often, it takes several days to develop. Usually, typhoons begin as thunderstorms that gather strength and intensify into large weather disturbances.
Typhoons are easily tracked and monitored by weather satellites because of their huge radius and accumulated cloud system.
Therefore, the Meteorological Bureau can always track the development of the weather, and for the safety of people who may be affected by the weather, the relevant government or safety agencies are typhoon
A typhoon is a nearly predictable disaster. In most cases, the track can be easily changed, but its existence is assured as it is easily monitored.
Preparation for a typhoon
Countries where typhoons are constantly visiting will prepare people for the occurrence of destructive weather, and if it can not be completely prevented, take safety measures to curb injuries and casualties.
If a typhoon is approaching, it is necessary to issue a typhoon alert at least 24 to 48 hours ago.
Therefore, people whose dwellings are within the warning area should pay the necessary security precautions first. Here are some.
· Store enough food and drinking water to last for several days. A typhoon can cause intensifying rains and destructive winds to destroy infrastructure. Grocery and markets may not be able to resume operation after the typhoon, so make sure your supply continues until the situation returns to normal.
· There will always be damage such as potential gusts and flash floods that can withstand a strong enough at home. If not, just evacuate and go to the designated safe evacuation or safety center.
* During the typhoon, you can choose to put the current in the house to prevent electrical accidents. The local power company voluntarily shuts off the power supply.
* Make sure that you have a jacket or umbrella in case you need to get away, as typhoons bring rain and wind.
High safety at home, check the safety of typhoons indoors. In the event of a typhoon, wires can fall into the street and threaten safety. The same goes for flying debris, which is the usual cause of falling, or injuries and casualties.
* Always monitor news updates about typhoons. Make sure transistor radio has no news blackouts
Remember that typhoons are a weather phenomenon. One can not prevent it from forming and coming. However, what people can do is to prevent the destruction of weather disturbances.
They can help by not being one of the victims. Life is too valuable and not worth losing it due to the occasional weather like a typhoon.
Tsunami: What to Do, How to Survive
The tsunami was used to be the source of the film, and until the devastation of Asia, most people did not think that it was possible for the tsunami to occur in its size. With its realization, people have noticed the dangers and possible consequences of this natural disaster.
What is a tsunami?
Tsunamis are not caused by strong winds, but by submarine earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. An earthquake that produces a tsunami is an earthquake that reaches 6.5 or more on Richter scale. The average speed of the waves is 300 miles per hour, and can last from 5 minutes to an hour.
In the open ocean, tsunamis are usually overlooked, having an amplitude of only one meter or less. However, depending on the situation, waves entering shallow water may swell to a few feet, and in some rare cases, be high enough to attack coastal areas with horrific forces
Who is at risk?
People living in coastal areas located along or near the Pacific are most sensitive to tsunamis. This area is most vulnerable to seismic activity called the fire ring. It also occurs in Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands.
What to do in the event of a tsunami emergency
If a strong earthquake is felt, leave the water immediately, get to the coast and go as far as possible from the beach. If your position makes it possible, go to a higher ground. If your area is mostly flat, go as far inland as you can. The wave of the spot, if possible, is its apparent distance despite the evacuation too close.
Tune in to your local radio station, weather radio or turn on TV for news and updates. There are tsunami alerts and warnings issued in your area, and when there is an emergency center they will inform you.
All in your family Agree to a place to meet when you are not together, and make sure that you are as far away from the coast as safe as possible.
If you have a family with special needs, such as elderly people, small children, young children, or people with disabilities, you should evacuate early. It is also very good for the movement of the pet you want to align Kimono.
It does not seem to take a check emergency set. They were regularly restocked, but if not, take what you can do or what you need if you still have the time and opportunity Other, water, food, dressing up You
You want to secure your home, but you may remember that this is your last priority. The most important consideration of your life and your family is the tsunami emergency. So, in the hope that your home items will be cleaned, and you can still secure them.
Tsunami warning vs Tsunami warning
Tsunami warning is different from tsunami warning. A tsunami watch means that the presence of a dangerous tsunami has not yet been confirmed. It also includes a prediction of when the tsunami is expected and where it will probably strike.
Tsunami warning means that there is a confirmed tsunami in your area and it may be close. The warning includes the time when the tsunami is expected and which areas will be affected.
As a last emergency tip ...
If you find yourself under the incoming wave of mercy, climb on the roof of your home or to the highest point of the nearest structure and tighten yourself on anything that is strong and stable enough Hold on tight. I think I can climb a tree.
If you are already in the water, hold your weight and hold it until you can reach a stable ground, or when help is available Company to get as much out of the water as possible Grab anything that strives. Currently there are heavy and sharp fragments in the water that can be strong and you can collide.
Tsunami, like most things, produces nature out of control. The only advantage is that they do not come with warnings (strong earthquakes). The only way to survive it is to be ready, ready to go, and keep your wisdom.
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