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Exploring the theory of criminology

When it comes to science that explores how crime and society interact, there have been many different theories established over time developed in an attempt to explain the causes that cause such reactions to individuals. In most cases, these theories, social or judicial issues created or criminological theories are important. Although there are many theories that can not be proved beyond the shadow of the question in every single social or cultural setting, it is not an individual by continuing to look for and by understanding the different theories of the past, it is an individual Will be able to work up to the theory that can be applied to these different settings

Criminology is a very broad science. It covers many different types of crime and culture or the society in which the crime takes place. Another area covered by scientific research is the law created by society in response to various crimes committed in the area. Criminology itself as science was not created, and was defined as a term until the end of the 1800's, but almost instantaneously to promote science Some theories, in individuals and their crimes As they were based on role but over time by considering the role of society as the cause of specific crimes in different fields, these theories have made it possible to study the social setting within a set time frame. Refined to make sense in the period that will be applied,

It is very important for individuals to understand that criminology is a theoretical science. In fact, this means that when criminology goes into a society where crimes and crimes have taken place, it is likely that criminology can not define the definition of cause and effect. These theories are constantly being improved to try to understand certain social crimes over a certain period of time. Some of the most popular theories that have come so far are not only individual criminals, but it is also that the criminals apply the whole action theory before they perform an action You can not. For example, although these theories may apply to both women and men, feminist theories on criminology can use this approach

A way to understand the theory of criminology

When understanding the theory behind the connection between crime and an individual or community, many people distinguish the theory from the belief that they may first appear by simplifying the core of the theory by individuals Contains some of the more complex ideas supported by theories, provided that the basics of the various theoretical theories are understood, which help to identify the theories that best identify when considering crime-society interactions It is much easier to build on the theory. Several theories exist, and many are created daily by individuals. However, there are some more general and widely held theories as beliefs than other theories.

There is a social structural theory, or the theory that the state of social setting and construction define the possibility and amount of crime in the area. Individuals who are exposed to poverty and other signs of social deterioration are considered to be prone to crime and violence. There are other specific social theories that believe that crime is perpetuated by the inequalities that exist in established social structures. When people can not achieve what the society expects, such as the "American Dream", these individuals turn into crimes to try to realize this dream. Individual theories exist to explain criminology in society. Property theory is based on scientific knowledge of the human body, which determines or changes how individuals react to stimuli, with aggressive behavior and antisocial tendencies, It is part of many personality traits of individuals involved in crime and links to genetics, hormones and other biological factors are now

Some theories stop looking at what encourages individuals to rot and instead focus on the influence of society, to live a productive and wonderful life These theories generally, control theory or It is called social control theory. In the example, individuals who have a large degree of self-control probably do not use the means of degeneration to gain immediate access to their desires, but the symbolic interactions as their theory are powerful Examine the relationship between the ruling class and the less powerful. Young people who were played to their designated role by integrating themselves into the belief that they are not so powerful. As young people are taking more powerful groups in their words and transferring definitions to themselves as criminals, it represents a kind of self-achievement prophecy.

Of the last major theories surrounding criminology, rational choice theory argues that criminals measure the pros and cons of results just like anyone else. Once the costs and benefits are dissected, the offender will make a decision. They may also consider sin time and place as well to find the lowest sin risk status.

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