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Five Tips for Identity Theft Protection

This is the time of the year when we begin to get those emails that we all want to pulloin our secret code and password. You know what you have a subject like: "Your account is about to be closed," "There is a block in your account"

This is what we are shopping for a gift for a family or a customer, our bank or credit card to be blocked the last thing we need is that exactly what these "cyber grifters" expect And unfortunately some of us are tempted to follow the instructions sent for the investigation

First of all, do not follow the instructions in the email! If you think that you may have a problem, you will usually have the problem account as you do with the fake email links on your PC instead

I had a very real email from the bank that seems to have gone so far to copy the bank logo and stationery style colors. But don't fall for scams. In fact, you do not know, very open e-mail, just set a lot of virus programs will open your computer loosely. Just follow the bank, credit card companies by the supply of "suspicious emails" email address making suspicious emails.

About 100,000 people lost their prey theft last year, costing companies and individuals to $ 100 million. Here are some tips for this:

1. Credit card fraud, personal responsibility with debit card Depending on the credit card, how soon to report and initialize the loss card. If you fail to report abuse within 60 days of receiving your bank statement, you may lose all the money in your account,

2. Review check write a little slippery paper is too much, too much information. It can be used as a check for some expert advice, complete with address, account number, signature and license number. On top of that, there is no federal law to limit your liability for counterfeit checks (each state has its own set of rules). Experts advise you to look into automating the payment of your bills.

3. Secure your post: Your post is information goldmine. During bank statements, bills, and all those pre-approved credit card offers, your mailbox will be carefully checked credit reports, unless the identity theft is easy I was not able to do it and I came to know it. One way to avoid this is to have your mailbox under the lock and key, but most of us in Santa Clarita, our other solution is to have a post that has been rented or other solutions Fail the "dumpster diving" thief by purchasing a shredder and destroy documents before destroying it.

4. Virtual Go: There are "virtual" card numbers for online shopping. These are randomly generated once the online shopper is disposable and throw it that credit card number. You will be billed for this direct true credit card purchase statement. The service is easy to use-and it's free! All you need to do is register with companies that offer virtual cards, they are MBNA, Discover, and Citigroup.

5. Create an emergency id kit. Create the included emergency kit: account number, expiration date, issuer name, and emergency contact number for each card you own. While you're at it, make a copy of your driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, passport, locked box or file cabinet It protects in case of catastrophe such as fire, earthquake etc I like the best safety box, so give

This may seem like a lot of all unnecessary work, but if you're ever a victim of identity theft – even once – you do it

Many of us don't carry in wallets or purses, and if we can't talk because of an injury, or if people who know us don't accompany it, how much less stress there is, No matter where you are in the bank's box, knowing that there are items you can check your identity Better to be safe than regret!

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