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Food allergy is difficult to identify unless you are fully aware of the baseline information

Food allergy

Food allergy is difficult to identify unless you are fully aware of the baseline information on this type of allergy. The major symptoms of food allergy in dogs include itching of the face, itching of the extremities, itching of the belly, recurrent ear infections or skin infections.

Because dogs consume many prepared food ingredients, including various types of proteins, fillers, colorants, etc., the incidence of food allergies in commercial food materials is often double allergic reactions, often due to the skin or stomach intestines Includes the region.

If you encounter your dog's itching after serving certain food material, suspect the food allergy of this animal. However, conditions such as fungal infections should generally be excluded before itching conclusions as a sign of food allergy.

Corn and wheat have many documented incidences of dog allergies. However, food allergies differ from dogs to dogs. Provide clear reading labels and feed ingredients such as food ingredients with dogs and pets. It should also be said to avoid colored ingredients, but they are dogs that cause allergies.

Food allergies lead to hyperactive behavior that is frequently noticed in dogs. The added color, preservatives, and high fat diet can cause the dog to have such food allergies, thus providing the dog with a new type of diet

Food allergy may be diagnosed in dogs, but dogs have many opportunities to have other problems like pancreatitis. In order to rule out food allergies, every time you observe them feed them, look for reasons to link the food given and the dog's signs, certain signs are important features that should be given weight .

Fleas and other parasites

Fleas and other parasites should always be prioritized by the dog owner. The common incidence of flea bite allergy in the case of dogs causes concern among dog owners. Flea bites trigger allergic reactions in the area where the flea bites. Hence, the affected area looks like a hairless area and the animals begin to get injured.

Fleas cause severe dermatitis in dogs with severe fleas spread. Flea bites often cause allergic reactions in dogs. On many occasions, dogs experience severe distress for these allergic reactions. Medicinal collars are available to treat and prevent invasion by ectoparasites such as ticks and fleas.

Other parasites like ticks and parasites in addition to internal parasites such as hook worms, circular worms, worms etc. Give affection to the health of the animal. For example, when worms affect animals, in most cases dogs have anemia. The signs of endemic disease by worms are made more pronounced by the degree of affection.

Helminth larvae pass directly through the skin and can cause problems in those affected. Such dogs may reveal damage with respect to the foot area and skin area dermatitis. Skin rashes can be seen frequently in these cases, and affected animals pass loose stools that are mixed with reddish blood substances.

When round worms are seen in greater numbers, the affected puppy reveals a state of the belly that is easily recognized by the dog owner himself. Piperazine salts are given by the oral route for the treatment of this problem. However, broad spectrum anthelmintics like pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole etc. Given to handle these conditions.

Many medicines are coming to the market to treat fleas and other parasites. Today, a medical agent called ivermectin is highly preferred by many dog ​​owners to treat dog fleas and other parasites. The drug is available in injectable and oral forms. is there. Even drugs are also available for external applications.

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