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France Poulty Missed Unit Millions Bird Flu

The French poultry sector is reported to lose 40 euros each month due to the global fear of avian flu virus. Several countries around the world have decided to stop importing poultry from Europe's largest poultry sector and to reduce sales by 30%.

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The French poultry sector is reported to lose 40 euros each month due to the global fear of avian flu virus. Several countries around the world have decided to stop importing poultry from Europe's largest poultry sector and to reduce sales by 30%.

An outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in a Turkish farm on the east side of France imposes trade restrictions on poultry products from France in 40 countries An estimated 30 cases caused by deadly viruses in the area are reported . This limit is causing an excess of 20,000 tons of poultry, equivalent to 2 weeks of production by a slaughterhouse, stacking up the domestic market in France. Is hurting the industry and is now deteriorating in some countries that impose import bans. At the dawn of the new year, sales were down 20 percent, and are now down nearly 35 percent.

Canada, one of the countries that imposed restrictions, tested eight local farms importing chickens from France. The results were all negative, according to the Canadian food inspection agency. As part of the routine, a poultry farm in Quebec is isolated after importing 20,000 birds from France. Quarantine is imposed for 30 days, which is the standard of animal import.

H5N1 is a subtype of avian influenza virus. This is what is commonly referred to as avian flu. This virus is easily spread by the population of birds. People infected with this virus are reported to have physical contact with infected birds. The spread of this virus can be caused by the movement of birds such as ducks and swans from one country to another. It is also spreading through domestic poultry used for trading. Chickens are usually accused of delivering bird flu to humans. Waterfowls are usually responsible for delivering the virus to the birds they contact during their transition period. Infected birds pass the virus through body fluids, mucus excrement and fecal material.

Carriers of this virus are migratory birds and therefore easily spread around the world. In the past, outbreaks have been reported in Southeast Asia, but other countries have also had a number of incidents of experiences such as bird flu epidemic, France etc.

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