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Greg-Winterheg, DDS answers the mystery of controlled anxiety

In fact during eleven, I spent tens of thousands of dollars on a consultant to teach me how to have a great staff meeting, and my schedule is real, but after all of this consulting, I There is still no solution left to increase the number of new patients who have fallen to only 10 per month I was frustrated. I started to investigate PPO and HMO plans as a solution.

It's tough. :

MGE, Dental practice, Dental practice management, New patient, New dental patient

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What am I going to do?

In 1992, after eleven years of my dental practice, I was asking myself this very question. I moved to a strip mall and a supermarket. The traffic on the foot remained with it. New patients crashed to less than 10 a month and the collection decreased by 25%. Check box, check box, check box, check box, check box, check box, check box, check box Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu. However, after all of this consulting, I still had a solution for my down income and new patients. I was annoyed. I started to investigate PPO and HMO plans as a solution.

Perhaps you are looking at controlled care (Hmo and PPOs) either as a source of new patients or how to get out of it or the topic of managed care I regularly about I thought it would be a good idea to see it because it is what you get asked a) The reason why people join & join is in any Hmo, Ppo, discount plan or just out of them If you want to know how to stay, this article is for you.

You need to look at exit strategies and first find out what to ask for a dentist to participate in these plans. Common answers I asked from colleagues:

1. I had to be busy. It is better to fill the empty chair time than emptying the patient (even at reduced rates).

2. "Locked out" I wanted to join the plan before I got

3. Many of my patients switch to this plan.

4. I needed to improve my cash flow.

5. I needed more new patients

The reasons for joining or thinking about joining may be similar. These are all valid reasons, but let me raise this question: pay your usual full fee for the work you are doing (I say "yes" It is assumed. ") The obvious problem with these plans is doing the same amount and quality of work at reduced rates. This is reduced accordingly by your laboratory, manufacturer, landlord and staff If they were willing to do their services at the rate they worked-but we did this, the write-off rate generally starts at 15-25% and increases to 60% with some plans. At best you are cutting your profit; for severe cases you may find yourself in a busy office with having to pay a bill for a difficult time

What problem is managed care solution? As you join the plan, you will get more patients. Well, this asks questions: why not just go ahead and not get a newer patient without combining the plans? Think About It: If You Know How To Attract A New Patient In Service For A Sufficient Fee For Exercise To Succeed-How

This brings us to the first condition of getting out of service the ability to attract new patients for controlled care charges.

I find that I can see that I need a) b more when I see how most doctors get new patients) Promotions & Marketing This operating base problem is that you Put you in a non-control position-rather, you ever line it up

Well, how do you go about increasing your ability in areas like marketing and new patients? The answer is simple: You will be trained on the subject so that you can process it yourself and have enough confidence to act. Whether you like it or not, you are an executive, thanks to the fact that you own the business. You can try to avoid this fact, that is it. The executive needs to know how to handle the area of ​​his / her organization (capable).

So, hurdle number one for overcoming when looking to get out of managed care attracts the right amount of new patients for paid services.

In another article I wrote, I detailed the relationship between low collections, case acceptance and introduction of everything. Again, without going into very detail, I can not "sell" the complete treatment plan, in other words, because of his or her low collection is enough with new patients, "to increase my collection The more new patients need to come, it is true that many new patients should be healthy and maintained for exercise. But look at it this way: If you have a $ 6000 treatment plan and each of the three patients, accept one third of the required treatment presented (ie, accept their full plan, that One patient is also more likely to refer to health!

There's everything on mind and the basic formula that every business goes on:

1. Sell their products and services.

2. Provide their products and services.

3. Sell new people and get their products and services delivered.

"Management" coordinates and holds the organization, continues to sell, and to provide more services and products to the public (meaning expansion). However, if there are effects marketing and sales, there is not enough activity in the business to have something to manage.

Dental schools and continuing education "train how to deliver products." The place where most practitioners fail is to sell 1 and 3 and to sell and offer new people. The reason for this failure is not hard to see-it will succeed in areas where you are effectively trained. Areas where you are untrained or do not know anything are troublesome. You will also struggle to make decisions in these areas. In particular, effective training will be made clear by using learning, so let's try together I think that you can get enough money!

In difficult-to-use, sales-marketing training, you can set management goals in an easy-to-see manner. They get you busy, but they actually have other issues regarding overhead and profitability.

The solution to this problem is simple, learn how to market and sell properly in your office. With that ability, then you have the confidence to start getting off the plan.

To conclude my story above, at the same time as I was investigating a managed care plan in 1992, I asked about the MGE New Patient Workshop ( I knew more about it and decided to give it a shot. What attracted me was the idea that MGE was trying to train me to solve the problem myself and the idea that there was no risk involved (oh yes, a managed care contract on my desk In, I signed for the MGE New Patient Workshop I was able to do a new patient workshop and handle my new patient issues myself, from there I was with MGE Do more sales and management training, build a very successful practice, and sell it in 1994 and assist other doctors like me

So tell me that learning how to do it yourself is the solution-I have not said this from some single-family perspectives-I

So, my advice to you-this is the best year you actually had. ABILTY's MGE New Patient Workshop ( will be by tracking open, etc. Sincerely, keep track of your success.

Greg Winteregg DDS-Add mates to your practice

Soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft. Every week on a question from the university I feel that they need a dental companion in their office now or are thinking about ideas for the future answer.

It's tough. :

Greg-Winterheg, MGE, Dental Associates, Dental Practice

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(Part I of II: Adding Dental Associates to Your Practice)

Soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft, soft. Every week on a question from the university I feel that they need a dental companion in their office now or are thinking about ideas for the future answer.

There are a number of different factors to consider when adding a dental associate, but here are some of the key ones:

1. When should I get a friend?

2. How do you configure compensation?

3. What is the best way to find out?

4. What are the points to note when you interview

5. How do you integrate them into your practice?

Let's start above: When should we get companions?

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