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Guaranteed to increase sales!

As a publishing entrepreneur and by publishing for my clients, I spent a year researching the art of sales. The following techniques are not difficult to learn but require training and practice.

Your most important skill as a business owner is your skill. Having the best product or service means nothing if no one can get to buy it, so ensure your business success

Here are the short outlines of the 13 techniques I developed to boost sales:

1. Use the phone – The cheapest, most effective and efficient way to find a customer is by phone. Yes, "cold call". Script to write out Before getting this inquiry, it is vague. Introduce yourself, your company, the purpose of the call, and give the client a simple "profit" of your product / service. "What do you do for his / her business?" The point is short and has 10 possible objections answered in your script that you may get. This way you will be prepared for the regular "brush." ​​Always try to get a firm commitment to the conference. This call is not to "sell" the client, but to make a face-to-face meeting to establish credibility, and then to sell him / her. Do you buy from voice over the phone? No. I want to look at the seller and listen to his offer.

2. Shout it from the top of the mountain-You must always be looking for a new customer, I give a seminar, a guest who speaks at an education, trade show or organization, or people make it a bad decision I would like to buy from experts to alleviate their fears. Everyone can overcome their fear of speech, so you can find the best working for you and how to do it. As a desperate step, join the Toastmaster group at your local adult school near the evening course.

3. Ask a question – Most salespeople think that the first meeting with a prospect is the only chance to make a sale. No! Ask questions, take notes, what are your outlook goals, challenges, etc. before entering your "pitch"? Helping prospects to solve business problems creates a "win-win" relationship and closes more sales than they think.

4. Avoid “Product Dumping” – Produced by 95% of salespeople before knowing your product / service needs to communicate your prospects This is an inefficient sales method Reflex, your customers lose your trust. You will not feel good with the advice that you do not know how many of our customers have left it. In the future, if I simply "sold" a service that was not the answer to their problem, it will outweigh what I might have made, remember from them the introduction of "spoken language"-nothing Do not add more to your credibility than referrals from a satisfied prospect.

5. Know your number – Sales is a number game and you need to learn your "sales ratio." How many explorers will call you. Get and sell how many conferences. This manageable cash flow forecast and sell. But it is a high profit for those who understand.

In the column next week we will continue with just 13 tips covering qualifying getting your prospects and confidence to name a few. Happy sale!

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