We are looking at the many expressions of the coming holiday. While some are widely known, there are not a few. Take time to see what you know.
The adorable of Easter Bunny Hare is a familiar symbol of Easter. The children wait for him to dive into their home with a basket full of goodies.
Easter Candles-White candles are on Easter Sunday and for the next forty days, symbolizing Jesus' return to life. They usually disappear on the day of ascension.
Easter Lambs-Gentle creatures represent the death of Jesus, as the lambs were sacrificed on their first Passover. Therefore, Jesus is your "God's lamb."
Easter Lily-Gorgeous when blooming, this white flower represents the purity and resurrection of Christ. Immortality is symbolized by trumpet-like light bulbs.
Hot cross bread-pastry baked in England and served a traditional breakfast on a good friday. They are so named for the icing at the top of the bread, it reminds the crucified people. If you kept the bread of the hot cross from good friday to the next friday, you thought you would have good luck all year round.
Whales-Jonah spent three days in the belly of the whale before being exhaled himself. In parallel with the Easter story, Jesus entered the tomb for three days and was revived on the third day.
Sunrise Service-A gathering full of ceremonial ceremonies. People welcome the sun and the power to bring a new life to the world.
How many people did you know? I hope you will learn new things about this most wonderful holiday coming in spring and be a watch for the rabbit that has a gift.
Easter tree
Easter trees became an American tradition shortly after the Civil War. In Germany, Ukraine and Austria, the trees have been around for a long time. They decorate evergreens with painted eggs. Eggs represent regeneration, renewal, and resurrection.
Trees have grown in popularity since the book "The Egg Tree" was published. By Catherine Milhous, the book is a story of a girl who found her grandmother's old eggs hidden in the attic. She takes them outside, hangs on the tree and starts a wonderful new tradition in her family.
People use many different and colorful decorations on these trees. Hand-painted eggs, miniature baskets with eggs, miniature straw hats with flowers attached, many commonly used to hang pieces of wood, speaking generally, most people have crookedness branches Use Forsythia or Cherry tree because it is a perfect decorative holder.
Most of the eggs used were blown off or pins were inserted at one end. The egg yolk is blown off and the shell is painted. Carefully packed, these fragile eggs can be used each year.
Germans extend their decoration from trees to their yard. Then, during the trip Germany Easter, live trees and gardens were sprinkled with colors. In some of their facilities such as elderly rest homes, eggs with a basket, rabbits, and foyars, completely decorated with large trees, are hard to find chickens, if you look hard enough It may be spotted.
If your tree is inside, make sure to decorate down as well. It is a tree under a rabbit or egg-cage that is When the Easter Bunny comes, he goes to fill the basket with a good surprise.
You can also decorate your tree with other decorative parts. Chickens, roosters, small baskets and eggs are always great. Find some wreaths to help in the festive look. Use a wreath of small flowers and little rabbits. The sky is the limit. The most important thing is to have fun with your children and your Easter tree.
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