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Home dog hazard

Dogs tend to eat everything they encounter. In most cases this causes some discomfort. But if he eats them it can be dangerous enough to cause your dog to die. Here is a simple list:

1) Antifreeze: Many people don't realize it, but common antifreeze kills many pets every year. It has a very sweet smell and taste to your dog and is very attractive to him.

2) Chocolate: Chocolate contains a substance called obromine that is toxic to dogs. Grilled chocolate and dark chocolate are particularly dangerous.

 3) Bleach: Household bleach is toxic to dogs as you might imagine. All products containing bleach bleach.

4) Tylenol: Tylenol tablets can kill small dogs.

5) Watch battery: If your dog takes watch battery, it can cause potentially fatal ulcers in the stomach within 12 hours. All other alkaline batteries are toxic to dogs as well.

6) Brow Ball: Brow ball is very dangerous for dogs. They contain insecticides that cause central nervous system excitement and seizures. .

7) Softeners and Other Detergents: All kinds of household detergents are toxic to dogs at one level or another, but softeners are in a very toxic category

8) Mouthwash: The mouthwash can contain boric acid, which is very toxic to dogs. Symptoms of poisoning with gargles include vomiting, gargles, seizures, and coma.

9) Peach pit: In most fruits, pits and seeds are toxic to dogs. Signs of poisoning include vomiting, vomiting and lethargy.

10) Household plants: Many common and popular household plants are very toxic to dogs. A partial list of toxic plants includes poinsettias, lilies, ferns, devil ivy, aloe, and ivy.

 If you think your dog has eaten any of these substances or anything that could poison him, contact your veterinarian immediately. It can save his life

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