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How can stem cells treat congestive heart failure?

Heart failure is a devastating blow to the body system, and often despite permanent efforts by clinicians and researchers, permanent organ damage and eventually researchers end the high mortality rate of congestive heart failure. You are fighting to beat, and believe that stem cells may be a way to do it.

The possible use for stem cells has made it a very published topic on medical journals today. Stem cells are precursors to every cell in the body, mainly produced in adult bone marrow. During times of crisis such as when a patient suffers from leukemia, other organs and spleens that possessed stem cells during fetal development take over production. This is the body's way of maintaining the proper balance of cells as the old cells die and replenishing itself. For example, circulating red blood cells have only a lifespan of approximately four months; meanwhile stem cells of the bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells are constantly producing new rubriblasts, precursors of which become red blood cells that have grown over time.


There are several forms of stem cells, but scientists for research are currently focusing on embryo and adult breeds. Embryonic stem cells come from blastocysts, four to five days old human embryos. During pregnancy, these pluripotent cells divide and proliferate, forming the fetal body and viscera. Embryonic stem cells are highly evaluated for studies of multiple reasons; they can provide a large number of replacement cells, and can be limited to any cell morphology. The use of embryonic stem cells, however, is a collection Is very controversial because of the fact that it often requires the destruction of the embryo.


There are several methods published in the research journal on the application of stem cells in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure results when the cells of the heart fail or are destroyed and the heart can not properly pump blood throughout the body. Some patients can be treated with mechanical assistance or transplantation, but this is not necessarily the case. A few years ago a group of patients with other available options for treatment agreed to be part of a pilot study on stem cells. Autologous stem cells were removed from the bone marrow and injected into the heart failure tissue through the chest wall. Patients who received this treatment showed significant improvement, presumably as a result of stem cell action. The exact means by which this occurs are still unknown; but research scientists have found that stem cells grow new blood vessels or repair damaged tissue.


Another possibility for stem cells is the growth of tissue for transplantation. The available heart for organ transplantation is not as easily obtained as the doctor wants, and there is often a list of years of waiting for each available organ. Stem cells readily proliferate in a laboratory environment and reproduce pluripotent daughter cells if not stimulated to differentiate. This essentially results in the tissue adapting to whatever environment it is placed in. Researchers say that in an appropriate environment, an essential set of essentially growing heart tissue and transplanting in patients suffering from heart failure and living dead and damaged tissue. This procedure makes cardiac function easier. If possible, depending on the patient also exists.


The current treatment and prognosis for patients with congestive heart failure is severe. At least fifty percent die within a year of being diagnosed, and those who are not victims of this mortality will feel the effects of their heart failure for the rest of their lives. Stem cell research represents the opportunity for those patients to beat these probabilities.

How can you contribute to the gene and cure congestive heart failure?

It is common knowledge that heart failure follows another severe form of heart failure; however, until now scientists and physicians have a way to identify them in dangerous situations New research into gene and gene therapy has heart failure on them A potential weapon for the fight against.

Scientists have made several discoveries regarding the role of genes in the detection and treatment of heart failure. A few years ago it was a small proportion of patients suffering from heart failure had a defect in the gene that allows the body to detect stress signals but this proportion was minor, but that gene There were no mutations found in healthy patients. Researchers emphasize that this is not a cause of congestive heart failure but a susceptibility factor, but they decide whether the heart afflicted with other diseases will fail or not, the doctors will detect this mutation It may be possible to identify and treat the patient in a dangerous state before failing, not after the center of the patient.

This defect is in the ATP-sensitive potassium channel and is caused by genetic mutations. Control the potassium channel to increase potassium and calcium concentrations. Is the center of calcium, stress is excessive calcium damage. This is the reason why calcium blockers are often given to patients with congestive heart failure. Fortunately, potassium channels that open the drug already exist.

Furthermore, in hamsters with muscular dystrophy and cardiomyopathy, deletion of delta-sarcoglycan gene was found. This gene is a cytoskeleton of myofibers and successful transplantation of normal human delta-sarcoglycan gene causes tremendous improvement of these animals. This is the heart surgery where current transplantation attempts have opened up It is remarkable because it requires. Transplantation of this type of gene is carried with a virus that eliminates the need for surgery.

Scientists were a little interested in using this method of gene therapy for the need for systemic effects. There are also some concerns that the body's natural immune system will eliminate the virus of its own accord before the normal delivery of the gene, but they will normally study the body's defenses Delta-sarcoglycan gene When transplanting a patient, it is piggybacking a corrective gene on it as it is inserted into the body, and this causes the type 8 adeno-associated virus to be destroyed in the body of an animal with muscular dystrophy without being destroyed by natural immunity of the body We were able to carry the gene in all areas.

Gene therapy is still very experimental and researchers have yet to see the role it plays in overcoming heart failure. The continual advances in body building block technology and medical knowledge can someday solve the mystery of healing this deadly disease.

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