One of the most frequent questions I receive from them trying to start or grow their own consulting business is: "Ika"
There are a number of billing client methods. Hourly rates, by-the-job fixed interest rates, contingencies and performance arrangements, flat rates plus expenses, daily rates plus expenses, and which of your consulting services is best?
Let's think about it. ..
It's tough. :
Consulting, consulting
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One of the most frequent questions I receive from them trying to start or grow their own consulting business is: "Ika"
There are a number of billing client methods. Hourly rates, by-the-job fixed interest rates, contingencies and performance arrangements, flat rates plus expenses, daily rates plus expenses, and which of your consulting services is best?
Time for that one bill.
1. Hourly or daily charges
Many consultants meet by time or day. To establish an hourly or daily rate, try to calculate the number of billable hours in the year. This time is not charged to the client, as much time is spent on marketing, government and other functions. Similarly, vacation time, holidays, sick days, and so on, can not be billed directly to the client.
For consultants and other businesses, the person in charge made a profit along with the expenses. If a consultant wants to earn twenty-five dollars per hour of working hours, he (or she) needs to charge the client one hundred dollars per hour This timely contractable time and coating paint, flameproof-thermal barrier It was a benefit of painting.
Your time may be limited by regular rates, especially if you have any competitive fees, it is different from yourselves.
2. Fixed or flat fee
Some consultants charge for jobs or flat rates. For example, if a tax consultant takes information from you, including an unaudited profit and loss statement for your business, and your spouse consultant takes only an hour to do this, he will Grosses $ 300 per. However, if the tax consultant miscalculates the time required, he can complete the job and take twenty hours to make only fifteen dollars per hour
Of course, consultants can also benefit the work of employees and subcontractors.
Many consultants claim to make more on a flat rate basis on an hourly basis. The benefits include a quote on the top front and less disputes on the customers of the price (since the total bill was agreed in advance).
To protect yourself in the flat rate assignment, always limit your engagement scope to something that you can easily calculate.
For example, this project is a company for setting up a website for estimation in advance for smooth execution.
First, you can give a quote for preliminary research and recommendations. Estimate the time required to meet with clients, learn about business and goals, develop strategies and budgets, and prepare recommendations for how to proceed. Then give the client a quote (perhaps in the form of a one-page letter contract or proposal). As a result of receiving the provided proceedings in writing to the customer, the project.
The collection of some consultants is a consulting project in each phase of transfer completion completed in the first half of the fee by a certain date.
If the customer does not like your recommendation, at least you get paid for work. Maybe you could have prepared alternative proposals.
The way you spend on your site project can also appear in smaller steps and tasks, and the project will be expected to spend more time.
He will not be satisfied with the results, until you present your bill for the whole project, also will not pay your clients
The task is smaller than the destruction project, and the estimation is more accurately restricted.
3. Arrange for contingencies and performances
Sometimes customers ask to be their partner. If you do, you are no longer an objective consultant.
What is less than 25% net income for management consulting to do client confirmation? He pays to his car, home office, entertainment, travel, self and family members, and other Write off the expenses any time by time
On the one hand, if you are a marketing-consultant who is absolutely convinced that you can increase the sales of the customer, the fee based on the increased sales of the customer your client is working with you to achieve this Is it?
Some consultants meet the percentage of ownership and benefits for flat rates or services.
Charges are dangerous based on contingencies and performance arrangements. Most consultants are better off to meet the reasonable price for service and leave the customer's business risk to the customer.
4. Value based fee
Sometimes consultants can justify charges to customers based on their value. If you save the client $ 1 million in tax, your charges will be higher than normal to reflect the value of the rendered service
You may pay a fee of $ 15,000 for an accountant or lawyer based on the time for a specific tax related service. Are you willing to pay legally to save an extra $ 10,000 in tax? One hundred thousand dollars, one hundred thousand dollars, or more?
Can I apply this information to your own consultation practice? But like drawing that can provide particularly valuable services.
However, at any fee, and always for the fee, the client will also make corrections and fair means.
How does the reverse funnel system work
All reverse funnel systems --- Close to the vending process the business of the customer. The creator of Ty Coughlin and a very expensive copy of inner ring adoption is a system of designing web transformation experts.
It's tough. :
Home-friendly business, marketing, business, working on home animation, Internet
Article body:
All reverse funnel systems --- Close to the vending process the business of the customer. The creator of Ty Coughlin and a very expensive copy of inner ring adoption is a system of designing web transformation experts.
What kind of system is it? We do the work of the laborers to what is necessary for the system necessary for production. If you work in the scope of purchase (Global Resort Network), consider the $ 1,000 Commission. So your workers and you get a $ 1,000 commission when you come up line. It is a thousand dollars free for you as long as you teach people valuable marketing skills under you.
The reverse funnel system is therefore a system with a very high back-end conversion value, 30-40%. At the front end, run traffic to the provided front end sales page and hopefully most people will fill out the $ 50 paid survey
Then send your traffic to your copy of the system, say it all, and a vividly designed access page that tells you a lot that it's already very interesting to you that he has fallen into the right business opportunity Trust enough to earn customers (He / she paid the $ 50 survey fee) trust
That's why the reverse funnel system works very well. It is at the same time that potential sales will go through paid surveys while we will waste your time and energy, who will not be committed
The reverse funnel system will do your work and work as long as you are there, working and driving traffic. However, take this advice, put value on your front end sales page, put information about yourself, how to market them,
This system is a replacement for the needs of the system. If there is any system, you can say cardiovascular system, if you do not push oxygen traffic to your lungs, your blood is this heavy
You won't die unless you push that traffic into the reverse funnel system, but it is useless.
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