Your reputation as a buyer (or 'feedback rating') is the most important thing people see when dealing with you on eBay. It is based on this small number to decide whether they can trust you.
Each time you buy or sell things on "eBay", you can leave feedback, who can leave feedback. This feedback, along with the comments, is positive, negative or neutral. The rating of your feedback is then resolved using a very simple sum: the number of positive feedback minus the number of negative ones People present 28 of the feedback ratings to this person, for example, 30 volatility And plus two minus ones.
If you are a considerate buyer, it is only what you need with a positive feedback username. However, there are some things you can do if you want to help along with it.
Always leave feedback for others: feel left to leave feedback for you if people leave it for them (Comments on the time of programming for the opportunity to provide a comment on what the sellers do There are many chances for me.
Pay swiftly: Sellers don't love anything more than swiftly paid-if you pay by credit card or another electronic method you pay especially for the end of the auction as often as you pay for your positive feedback You will find that it will appear within a few minutes of you.
Hard customers don't: your seller may take days to answer you or so to send your items & maybe a few days
Build a Relationship: If the seller is selling a lot of things you like, please buy from them a few times. They go out of their way to leave regular feedback such as 'Pleasure to deal with' as very happy to find customers. Also, it's especially good for cancer!
Sellers generally do not like to sell to buyers who do not have much reputation, simply because it is the buyers who take most of the risk of transaction. However, it is worth remembering that transactions where you are a seller and buyer are counted in the same feedback total.
At eBay, people pay much more attention than sellers' ratings to sellers-bad feedback from sellers can be (or should) be a dealbreaker but most of the time you are buying, you You need to worry more about the seller's reputation than that of.
How Important Is Your Buyer's Reputation?
Your reputation as a buyer (or 'feedback rating') is the most important thing people see when dealing with you on eBay. It is based on this small number to decide whether they can trust you.
Each time you buy or sell things on "eBay", you can leave feedback, who can leave feedback. This feedback, along with the comments, is positive, negative or neutral. The rating of your feedback is then resolved using a very simple sum: the number of positive feedback minus the number of negative ones People present 28 of the feedback ratings to this person, for example, 30 volatility And plus two minus ones.
If you are a considerate buyer, it is only what you need with a positive feedback username. However, there are some things you can do if you want to help along with it.
Always leave feedback for others: feel left to leave feedback for you if people leave it for them (Comments on the time of programming for the opportunity to provide a comment on what the sellers do There are many chances for me.
Pay swiftly: Sellers don't love anything more than swiftly paid-if you pay by credit card or another electronic method you pay especially for the end of the auction as often as you pay for your positive feedback You will find that it will appear within a few minutes of you.
Hard customers don't: your seller may take days to answer you or so to send your items & maybe a few days
Build a Relationship: If the seller is selling a lot of things you like, please buy from them a few times. They go out of their way to leave regular feedback such as 'Pleasure to deal with' as very happy to find customers. Also, it's especially good for cancer!
Sellers generally do not like to sell to buyers who do not have much reputation, simply because it is the buyers who take most of the risk of transaction. However, it is worth remembering that transactions where you are a seller and buyer are counted in the same feedback total.
At eBay, people pay much more attention than sellers' ratings to sellers-bad feedback from sellers can be (or should) be a dealbreaker but most of the time you are buying, you You need to worry more about the seller's reputation than that of.
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