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How to make a country square afghan

The farmer grannies enjoys the world and is an Afghan of work. Of course, some country moms take pleasure in creating similar squares. Given the facts and considering you as one of the lovers of these countries, we can learn how to create Country Square Afghan.

To get started you need a 5-inch square gauge to create 88 squares. Finished yarn, about 45 inches times must be 63 inches. Buy some smooth, woolen cloth, ie, the worst without a nap, and consist of a snug, twisted, long fiber wool. Requires 20 oz of Taupe, Beige, and Hook to match the size of your gauge. (J) To get started, create your 88 square using beige and chain stitch six times to join slipstitch forming your loop.

In the first round, chain three stitches to meet the first double knitting. Add double to your loop and slip stitch to the crown at the beginning of your chain. Next, use your tope to create a slipknot. Scatter your hooks on the chain stitch and back, right / left, in the first round Move to the area of ​​one post on your doubles Complete your stitch by creating a double weave at the beginning of your double weave and put it back in. Your hook starting on the chain and back Interspersed and then moved around with the same double crochet post: For the post, create a double, ie double, on the next double braid created in the first round and finish with the stitch. Repeat the working steps around and add three chain stitch and slipstitch with your first chain stitch crown Tighten and move to round three.

The round is a combination beige formation slipstitch and creates a chain space of your choice. Chain braids to create a double braid that starts with this step. Work it on the next space and work with double braid, three strands, and two other doubles. Now you complete the slipstitch with the crown of the first chain, add three doubles to the previous three chain spaces and repeat the two steps the corner,

The final round combines your beige in your corner (the choice is yours) and chain three stitches to fill the double knit and double knit in each of your seven previous stitches Add slipstitch with your first chain stitch crown. Close and start assembling your Afghan.

How to assemble:

The back loop is created with a width of 8 x 11, starting with the left side and with beige squared length facing overwinging small stitching tog square. (Whipstitch) Once you have assembled, you need to be on your Afghan border.

How to add a border beginning round one Now select with yarn and corner or chain three stitches and double taper co. Continue to exert double, two chains, two doubles in the same corner and double it to the next two stitches. Chain one stitch, skip one, and double knitting to the next stitch. Before you come to the next corner, while working with two doubles, chains, and two more doubles in your corner, the corner to add a slipstitch in the crown of your first chain to the stitch while stitching Repeat steps for work.

Proceed to the second, third and fourth rounds. In the second round, double the next and chain the three stitches in the corner space. Demonstrate a king, a chain, two doubles and corner doubles that have played an integral role arrive at a corner double and are an inheriting corner. Repeat and tighten your steps working on the first slipstitch with a chain one stitch and the crown of your departure chain. Proceed to Round Three. By combining the corners, double yarn, chain and three stitch stitches can be used to make a double, chain and king come true. The chain is doubled with a single stitch doubled before the King, before the chain, at the corner of the King. Add slipstitch in the crown, tighten and repeat the work steps for the corners. Working from the corner add three chain stitches to fill the first double, using your tow thread in the last round. Doubles demonstrate two chains, another two work in the corner and doubles to move to another double within the next eight doubles. Working on chains 1, doubles, and eights, create doubles in the corners and repeat your steps working on slipstitch in the crown of your departure chain. Perfect for Afghanistan, you are over.

How to make a rosette

How to design a doll dress rosette

To start making rosettes, you need to move the suture and sew it across the length of the ribbon you need to sew. Pull up until it is satisfied. You stitch the ends together after you bind the ends so that it embodies in a sphere.

Note: The more you sew your end, the more you sew, the smaller your rosette becomes and the contrast.

How to collect your ribbon

Shirr known as Gathered Fabric. If you want to shirr the ribbon, you should start using your hand, ie needle and thread, stitch the line along the edge of your ribbon and process the line of stitching also in the center of your ribbon Can be moved and then the thread can be removed for bundling.

How to shell your end:

You can use shell methods to add designs around the hem, sleeve edge, and neck edge. Instead of starting on the right side of your fabric, start on the other side and fold it on the other side of the hem. With the part folded as it goes under the cloth, pull the needle and stitch it around three times. You need to square at this point you can continue by stitching back to the end of the folded area. Shell design is complete once you pull your thread and re-stitch tight to create a tight fold. You can continue sewing until you get the pattern you want.

It is also fun to make doll rosettes and dresses. Dol dress made with cloth of choice is skip. You can not complete the process until you design your dress.

On the other hand, if you are ready to start making yet another doll dress choose your dough. You can make sure that the fabrics that enjoy mixing colors, patterns, etc. are assembled in harmony. When choosing your pattern, it is wise to measure your doll first. You want to buy a fitting that produces a dress, fitting to the figure of your doll.

Doll size is the most important measurement you want to consider when choosing a fabric. If you have a big doll, a smaller or medium pattern will work and provide freedom to follow the stitching steps. When choosing your fabric, also consider shoes, etc. The shoes are designed for baby dolls including booties. If you have a reproduction doll, choose fashionable shoes. Once you have selected your shoes, select their coordinate socks. You can also add a hat.

How to choose a hat:

Hats include straw hats, bonnets, rush bonnets and hoop bonnets. Work in coordination with your shoes, socks, fabrics, etc when choosing your hat. In addition to the hat, you may want to consider a belt for your doll.

How to choose a belt:

The belts include cotton belts that are a good match for Nahuala, Huipils like Todos Santos, etc. and red sash that is. Multicolor belts contain streaks. The Totonicapán belt comes in a variety of styles and is handloos. Zunil has many colorful and bold designs, and is also a hand-crafted loom manufactured by hand.

In addition to hats, shoes, socks, belts, etc, you can also find matching purses, bags, jewelry, shawls, hammocks, bedspreads, and more. Matching furniture is also available, as well as your own doll and mating doll. You may want to make a flashy station for your doll platform.

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