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How to train your pet chinchilla

When you want to train your chinchilla, you need to be careful how you do it. Note that they don't respond when you berate verbally, berates hits, or piss them off with anger. Physical acts can lead to wounds and abscesses. Because your pet already has a sensitive body, physical actions serve no purpose. Chinchillas are already horrible and do nothing to bite them verbally, but they escalate the situation. Negative word action is not effective at all.

Because they are horrible, they start being withdrawn and feeling stressed when their owners treat them that way. Like humans, they can feel your hostility and anger, and then they will be more defensive. Anaphylacty blow punishes the face. Bacteria from your air can be sent to them. They are sensitive to the spread of viruses, colds or flu.

When the chinchillas become hostile, they spray urine. They are acting about the need for withdrawal. They still feel defensive and you may not know why. The drawer will not start until the root cause of it is revealed. Once the owner knows what the problem is, the pets feel better and can be safe in their habitat.

They completely change (drops) when they feel you are not trying to put them. You need to spend time giving them a lot of love and patience. This scenario is reminiscent of human relationships. Women, in most cases, want to respect. If their boyfriend or husband can not give them or they are not then happy campers.

As long as you indicate your pet's genuine love, interest and compassion, they will respond to you with a more accepted reaction. I warn you yesterday and love the tough ones. Do not just get the habit of saying "no" all the time. When you do this, your pet will return to square one. That is not a good idea. On the other hand, there are certain chinchillas that tend to be personalityless, rough, abrasive or moody. These types of pets are very vocal.

 If there is a pet chinchilla being withdrawn due to the owner's neglect or abuse, it may help to have rehabilitation of their behavior. With this type of rehab, you get high confidence and adjust the chinchilla change. You need to be very mature to take care of exotic animals such as chinchillas. Remember that you are calm, calm and not threatened. Also, you have to be patient, as changes are not made overnight. You have to look past it and do your part to help with changes. Chinchillas are scared, they may pretend to threaten, but they are not really.

You must keep them loving, caring, kind and always give them assurance and affection. In time, they are changed to the pet chinchillas that you love to be with them.

How To Cure Some Health Problems Of Your Pet Chinchilla

As with humans, prevention is the key for your chinchilla to staying healthy and not getting sick. Sometimes steps are still missed, although caution is taken. It is important that your pet's cage has fresh food and water every day. Make sure to keep that cage clean and free of its food, such as bacteria and insects. These violations can adversely affect your pet. Keep in mind that your chinchilla has a sensitive digestive system. It can not easily get rid of bad food from the system. In other words, get sick

In order to be used with pets that may affect the health problems of the mountain:


You will know that your pet is constipated. Please provide more fresh water and hay. You can also give them 1-2 raisins.


Your pet looks like a balloon, and its intestine contains mucus. Their intestines are also perforated and sticky. Exercise your chinchillas and give them a long time to give them a food culture.


Your pet's gut will stick and look like grapes. Your pet's diarrhea can be caused by hay growing in mold and algae water. Check mold hay and check algae water. It is essential that their water changes and is fresh every day. Also check to see if diarrhea is caused by environmental changes.

Seizures and cramps:

If your pet does not move or starts shaking, this may be a sign of seizures. This stress causes long-damaged calcium. If the pet is calcium, the teeth will turn white. This can occur with female chinchillas and moreso. Your pet can not hurt itself. They should be kept warm. This is a more serious problem, please consult your veterinarian immediately.

In addition to the above, you should immediately see your veterinarian if your pet is experiencing any of the following:

Severe diarrhea or constipation, eye damage from sharp objects, pneumonia, weight loss, poisoning, or bone breakage anywhere in the body. Any of these require additional medical care from a professional veterinarian.

I hope you do not have to experience this with your pet chinchilla. There are things you can do to keep your pet healthy and prevent health risks.

Here are some tips:

-Clean the cage regularly.

-Do not change their food too often; they have a sensitive digestive system.

-Don't move them around a lot. If you do not need to move them, let's do it gradually.

-Make sure that the forage food is new.

-Make sure the water is new and changes constantly.

-Their food needs to be given in small parts.

-Since chinchillas are night owls, you should rest during the day.

Following these tips, chinchillas will live a long and happy life.

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