What is American than mom, apple pie, and baseball? Do you believe in moms, apple pies, and casinos? It's true Major League Baseball Park is more than just a US visit casino!
Do you gamble with all this participating American experts? Do they know how their probability and their probability improve the way they are used to know baseball statistics? If we judge by billions of dollars a drop at the casino each year, the answer rings "No."
If winning in the casino is a new American dream, it seems like a dream that will come to fruition for very few, except for the property owners. We assume that you are not the owner. After that, what can I do for myself? How can you change luck?
You believe that your "luck" is really the only factor in the game that there is more to happen here than just the old-fashioned apple pie luck
First of all, I would like to ask you a couple questions. You spend more than intended for most of your visits to the casino, stay longer than you planned, and you will find that you won't win but return to yourself.
If you answer "yes" to these questions, you are firmly in touch with the majority of the people visiting the casino. But let's look at what the "yes" answers imply. What you are really saying does not seem to have much control over your "luck" and your actions at the casino
I want to have it. why? Do you believe in good old American psychology? That's true-psychology is planned for the casino business!
First of all, there is the general psychology of the changing attitudes of society. The government will receive its approval, although it would be extremely out of order if the gambling is increased and the popularity is no longer good. In fact, because you are looking through a social perspective
As an acceptable form of gambling entertainment, it is easy to disappoint your guard. It's just an acceptable, harmless way to have some fun. This is, as long as you either have inexhaustible funds to throw away, or maintain enough control to spend more than you can afford
You want to pay for a casino visit, but you have to change the way you gamble.
You have to look at the casino as your enemy to pay for it. Well, it doesn't say it can't be fun-after all, it's more fun walking away from your casino
It is asked to make a smile on the face of the pocket until you walk from the casino-empty pocket with friends.
However, the part of psychology is not only analyzing your attitude or the attitude of society, it is complicated and complicated. The conscious use of the casino acts in an intellectual and psychological response control gambling. I have put in the way of knowledge.
As you all know, the casino is the casino, mathematical. They are a business to make money after all. What you don't know is how long the probability of the number is affected by the victory. The longer you stay, your chance of poor victory. It is mathematical. Casino, then use psychological methods to persuade you to stay long-long you stay, big odds they win.
Casino Design-Colors, lighting, spaces, chairs, air, all smells are analyzed-for maximum comfort and appeal. You can keep playing your game.
Let's take a look at some common casino practices important.
For example, special promotion. Where to get some, the other will be a bit longer. A free or cheap meal-a winner all around for a casino-will bring
Some people for a bargain meal. How many are at least some games without dropping. Most will sincerely pay for their "cheap" meals, but next time they will forget that they want to go out for a nice, "cheap" meal. But there is another side to it. You already
In the game, cheap meals conveniently available at the casino keep you in the building at meal times. You will be away from the game for the minimum length of time.
Slot Machine When you are out of change, you do not have to wait or walk to the change booth for more coins. This is added to your playing time-your playing time is money-for the casino.
Casino operators carefully plan their lighting. Sorry, please understand. It is day and night to determine if the casino is difficult. This is intentional. Remember, they like you (or your money). They are
The usual time awareness will make you stay longer.
The color is selected automatically. The slot machine is equipped with a color that attracts and holds gamblers. Minimize the use of sophisticated color combinations and view Slotton Cisco hotels where you want to spend time Many casino operators add a scent to the air. Do you think it's stupid? so
Experimental test scent has been shown to substantially increase the number of coins the customer has dropped into the slot-very substantially, about 45%. Most of these techniques add very much to your comfort as well as inducing an automatic psychological response from time to time. If your visit is pleasant, stay longer, looser with your bankroll, and come back again.
Exploitive with almost no other comfort amenities. You are simply a "white rat"-an unsuspecting victim of a psychological game. For example, psychology is applied to the slot payment system. Systems that pay small prizes are often that new psychology. How was it before? Well if you win, you earn a reasonable amount but the payoff was rare. What are the benefits of frequent small payoffs? It is a psychological "promise" of great victory. You will be tempted to stay longer and risk more money.
Putting some "hot" machines is also an application of psychology. Your search for a "hot" machine is motivated by a psychological stripe "promise" on lucky stripes. Again, stay longer and risk more. How many
Or, at the table, a small denomination of chips. Reason? As we all know, it is easier to spend dollars than to spend twenty. Psychology? of course! .
Ever notice how victory gets played up? The actual coin dropped into the metal slot pan when someone wins is intentional. The noise excites you. The bells and whistles that really attend the big wins are exciting with intentional attention getters. Casino does a big deal over wins-
But losing is quite quiet. The noise excitement stirs up you try to win, but there are more. All the attention given to victory seems to be more victory than it actually is.
OK I know now that in the eyes of the casino, it's just a "white rat" trying to extract as much as you can. What can you do about that? Occasionally the casino is overrun and the practice is outlawed, but you can not really do much about changing the use of the trick. But
It recognizes it and responds to the Security Agency against itself. You can return yourself to control.
So are you trying to change your "luck"? Well, it helps, but I know how to use that control to your advantage.
First, you know that your probability of winning a reduction compared to the length of your visit at the casino. So your visit will be shorter with your new control. As you know, it pays attention to the surroundings, and it affects the casino. Consciousness makes them less effective. Choose your game according to your own system – not according to the influence of the casino plan.
Please refer to the game also given the probability of being aware of it. We describe a couple of the most popular games.
Slot machine-
The number of combinations to line them up depends on the number of symbols on each reel. There are almost any number of combinations, and a large number of symbols are taken each reel at a time. For example, there are probably the fewest combinations present on three reel slots: 20 and 3 symbols per reel-we will take 20 times 20 20 So in theory there is a certain winning combination , Will be on
The average is displayed once for all 8000 spins of the reel.
Each machine can be set for a recovery of the principal. Let's assume that a quarter machine has 90% payback (the usual rate for quarter machines is 86 to 90%). That means you will repay 90 quarters if you fall into the machine every 100 quarters. Dollar machines often repay between 97 and 99%.
Increase the size of play link-ups with slot links and coins. The unsuspecting opportunity is the one that brings the maximum number of replays without jackpot. Because the game of big jackpots needs to reduce the amount paid for small prizes, so that you put up and go for the jackpot
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