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If you publish your company on a pink sheet. ..

There were laws changing events and financial markets in history, our economy and the way we do business, the law that forms the Securities and Exchange Commission, etc. Internet

It's tough. :

Pink sheet, 15c 211, reverse merger, direct public offering, regulation d

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There were laws changing events and financial markets in history, our economy and the way we do business, the law that forms the Securities and Exchange Commission, etc. Internet

Serves-Oxley falls into that category, this work of law named after Senator Paul-Sarbens (D) MD and Representative Michael Oxley (R) Ohai

When Washington lawmakers are facing problems, they also use some type of law to give them the appearance that they are doing something about the problem

But Washington's solution to one problem is the beginning of another and is often a major one.

Sarbanes-Oxley is very expensive to allow small businesses to pay for audits. Sarbanes-Oxley's requirements almost double cost audits.

And one that chose to leave the American exchange for the pink sheet, which is also eating away at the bottom line, in accordance with the other requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley, 103-year-old based on Milwaukee Investment banking company.

Ziegler-Kos CEO John-J-Mulelin. The Sarbanes-Oxley rule says that the company alone will cost 10-15% of the line below in the first year.

Many small and medium-sized companies will prefer to put these resources in expansion and product development.

Our backbone of our country is not a big bloated Fortune 500 companies lost over 20 years 10 years employment of 10 million people, small businesses create

Unfortunately, all the large companies in Washington contribute to a campaign that was dependent on both sides of the politician.

The only way for SMEs to gain access to the capital market is that banks and SME management who are refusing to lend money to SMEs are kidding

So, pink sheets have become a viable option for many SMEs to go public, Pink sheet listed companies have audited their financial statements They have to disclose accurate financial information Although not, it can be prepared by a company accountant.

These securities mean that NASD has not cleared market makers to enter quotes for security under SEC Rule 15c211, and on a junk basis instead, the broker will quote the customer's order It depends on the exemption of the rules to be displayed.

The broker should ensure that the issuer has sufficient current information available on the Pink Sheet website. Disclosure policy was a good attempt to create the transparency of the basic information that investors trade in the public market.

That pink sheet is a different hierarchy of things that are not end here. Pink Sheet plans to charge a flat fee for companies to obtain templates for financial information, and media release using website This helps raise the company to one of the new tier You

Top-tier, with audited financial statements, annual general meeting of shareholders, at least $ 1 share price, constitute a company of sufficient size to be listed on major exchanges "Premier QX"

The second tier consists of companies that will be audited financial reports and smaller issuers. The final layer consists of SMEs with information prepared by persons with sufficient financial skills, and guidelines for pink sheets to be mailed to issuers

Another reason for listing on the pink sheet is the cost of the public shell, and the pink sheet shell sells and sells for half the price of a bulletin board shell

By purchasing the entire amount of shares controlled by the Shell owner, you can later purchase those shares at high prices in the open market

While Sarbanes-Oxley has created a problem, it has also created an opportunity, and as long as we continue to exercise our God who has been given a creative genius

Much of the past may have lost money on a pink sheet with a lack of financial information disclosure, but the amount was all Enron, a gold exchange listed company lost at WorldCom and Global Crossing.

Among the companies currently listed on the pink sheet Swiss chocolate maker Nestles, Arc Energy, Transforce and Vermillion, as well as Volkoagon, plus many more

So don't be afraid that your company is listed on a pink sheet.

Please see additional information:

Cause of vaginal yeast infection

Yeast infection is an overgrowth of normally growing fungi in the vagina. When this fungus grows out of control for many reasons, including those described below, the vagina becomes inflamed and results in a whitish discharge. There is a strong smell, irritation and itching. Naturally occurring bacteria, which usually control yeast in the body. Sometimes this balance is upset. At least 75% of women experience yeast infection at some point in their lives.

It's tough. :

Treatment of yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, yeast infection

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Cause of yeast infection

Dr. Charles * Hoskins, DD, Doctor

Intravaginal yeast infections are embarrassing and unpleasant and adversely affect the quality of life of women. Yeast infections are caused by bacteria called "Candida". Yeast infection is an overgrowth of normally growing fungi in the vagina. When this fungus grows out of control for many reasons, including those described below, the vagina becomes inflamed and results in a whitish discharge. There is a strong smell, irritation and itching. Naturally occurring bacteria, which usually control yeast in the body. Sometimes this balance is upset. At least 75% of women experience yeast infection at some point in their lives. This natural balance of confusion can occur as follows:

Antibiotics, diabetes, excess use of weakened immune system (eg HIV / AIDS to weaken the immune system, use of steroids, pregnancy, chemotherapy from cancer or other drugs), douches or levels of this fungus invade The fungus grows out of control beyond its ability to destroy people. A vaginal yeast infection can be spread to the male urethra by sexual intercourse.

Generally speaking, the same as reducing our immunity and making it possible to tighten other diseases, it also makes it possible to tighten yeast infections Pressure is a major contributing factor is there. When we are in a stressful state, or living stress-filled life, our bodies focus on dealing with stress. When this happens, your ability to fight against illness and any illness is diminished.

Some women experience infections due to the hormonal changes occurring in menopause due to menopausal infections. Taking extra antibiotics is a contributing factor. The bacteria that cause the disease that kills antibiotics are the diseases of the inside bacteria.

Another contributing factor is the excess douching and use of scented feminine hygiene products. Any external product poses a risk for individuals who are susceptible to infection. The problem is tight-fitting clothing that does not allow adequate blood and air circulation in the infected area. As such, remembering all of these potential causes is the first step to prevent problems in the first place.

It is important to say that now the list looks like it has changed a lot, and that the cause has ended. If susceptible to yeast infection, avoid bubble bath, irritating soap and scented toilet paper. Avoid the harsh detergents used to wash your underwear. Rinse the laundry thoroughly to ensure there is no detergent residue.

The diet has a major impact on Candida yeast infections. Women as well as cereal products as part of dairy infection are nutty high sugar foods. Knowing the cause of the infection is important for prevention.

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