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IT Project Governance and Prince 2 Project Management:

IT Project Governance and Prince 2 Project Management: How to Maintain Major IT Investments on Rails

IT project-Emerging as governance is the most important responsibility of a company. With the ability to maintain tight executive and board control of major IT projects throughout the life cycle, with the technology at the heart of most business, Prince2 Project Management, it will stay on track and deliver true value It has emerged as the world's leading methodology to guarantee.

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Prince 2, Prince 2, Project Management, Project Management, System Development

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In today's rapidly changing information economy, IT project governance is emerging as one of the most important corporate responsibilities. The relentless pressure to innovate while lowering costs at the same time is increasingly "betting the farm" to help organizations successfully develop and deploy new IT systems However, the business environment is now the original assumption the project was based on The ability to maintain tight executive and board control of such projects throughout the life cycle is often by the technology at the heart of most business, as it can be fatally damaged before the project is completed. Responding to challenges, Prince 2 Project Management is the world's leading methodology to ensure that IT projects stay on track and deliver true value.

An important project of a large size or business is the first management stand-alone. It means that the project governance approach is essential. While within the discipline of project management, project governance is a broad range, so the goals of consolidation are:
1. Conduct project business alignment with sure business value.
2. Centralized cost management.
3. Maximize resource allocation for especially valuable resources.
4. Risk management by portfolio diversification
5. Uniform application of best practices.
6. Organizational Consistency.

Therefore, it is essential that project governance be a concern for the whole board, not for any individual. The Board argues that the project's risks are assessed within the organization's strategic planning and risk management framework, with the right investment and management decisions

The committee's responsibilities for project governance are:
• Launch approved products, manage project portfolio practices, and unprofitable businesses.
• Have at least one non-executive director in charge of overseeing project governance. Attendance to the board of directors of the program (or large projects)-they have an independent notification oversight of the progress of all business IT projects
• Clearly identified critical success factors, regular milestones, and "go / no go" checkpoints to ensure clear accountability at all levels
• Estimates that can stand completely independent audits to make sure that all project proposals contain complete business cases
• Portfolio as part of all IT related projects.
* To adopt and deploy a recognized project management methodology.
• Adopt a clearly defined risk management plan at program and project level that reflects enterprise level risk handling requirements.
* Inform the Board of Progress of Progress and establish a monitoring framework to provide early warning of divergence or slippage in any of the key success factors.
* Commit funds only incrementally.
• Provides a regular, timely and clear report on the progress of the project, slippage, budget, requirements specification and quality requirements that can be audited internally The board of a project branch is the cause for further funding of the release The difference is to do everything.

When choosing a project management methodology, the organization should choose an approach that is appropriate for the project purpose and development environment. The most popular way so far is Prince 2, Prince ('Project in a Controlled Environment'), a successor developed by the British Government Office of Commerce. Prince was originally developed for IT projects, but Prince2's project management incorporates substantive feedback and is now used for projects since its introduction in 1989 Prince2 project management has been widely used in both the public and private sectors It is now a de facto global standard.

Prince 2 project management aims to manage projects in a logical and organizational way, according to well-defined procedures and well-understood roles and responsibilities, it is a complete project by providing the following attributes to every project :
• Managed and organized start, middle and end
* Regular review of progress against business cases against plans • Flexible decision points
* Automatic control of deviation from plan
• Manage at the right time, in the right place during the project, and engage stakeholders
• Good communication channels between projects, project management, and the rest of the organization.

The effectiveness of the project management in Prince 2 results from its four cornerstones defining what a successfully managed project is:

Planning: Prince 2 has a series of processes covering all of the activities needed for the project leading up to closure. This process-based approach provides an easy-to-use, scaleable method of managing all kinds of projects. Each process is defined by its major inputs and outputs, as well as the specific objectives to be achieved and the activities to be performed.

Control: Prince2 Project Management Divides the project into manageable stages. Enable efficient control of regular progress monitoring throughout the resources, and the various roles and responsibilities for managing the project are fully described, and aligned to the project's size and complexity, organizational skills Can be adapted.

Results-driven: Project planning using Prince 2 means that the project plan is actually focused on delivering results, a project

Measurement: Any project using Prince 2 will be driven by the business case, which explains the legitimacy of the organization, Committed for achievements and achievements Business cases frequently during the project life cycle Project to ensure that the business goals being changed are still met

There are clear reasons why Prince2 project management has become a major methodology in the world. In addition to a best practice approach for the management of all project types, all around 800 people should take the Prince2 Project Management Exam It is widely used and popular in both public and private sectors, many different markets And fit easily to all changes in business projects Prince2 project management in all organizations that is serious about managing that IT investment is a natural choice.

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