Most other considerations in logistics are in the military context, so it is a strategy to decide which logistics to always understand.
It's tough. :
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Logistics may not seem as romantic and heroic as combat, but in fact, campaigns often won purely on the basis of logistics
If you have a lot of knowledge in all of the logistics and military history, you will probably have more war and logistics with more such knowledge that you have
To avoid the risk of causing historical controversy, I should use simulated games and virtual examples rather than using examples from the history of the earth.
For example, take exploit / expansion / exploit / rejection strategies, the (4-X) game FreeCiv, which is a rational feature of the whole family of civilization games known games. These are games that offer a wide range of civilization building tools, but in fact they tend to shoot up when more than one player plays.
When trying to play such a game together with a number of players trying to find enough time for a player to play all at once it is more than going to war, trying to build a civilization The difficulty in coordinating the number of players in order to be much faster, pay attention to detail, and create a metropolis full of impressive cultural crafts is the difficulty of logistics. Can they all go to work taking a sleep break or a meal break or break? There is not usually. So, the logistics of trying to play time in people's lives tends to lead to a desire for short fast games.
In the real world, people who enact these kinds of scenarios tend to be provided as their activities are part of their career. Volunteers and recruits can get over this as the simulation game players often do something else instead
Then, the actual driving simulation of logistics simulates the simulation itself. There is exponential growth and it has a strong logistic effect. Small economic benefits, small differences in productivity tend to have a growing effect at all times. This is in fact typically typical of 4-X (eXplore / eXpand / eXploit / eXterminate). You may remember Malthus's notorious logistic forecast, but the population will grow geometrically, but the resources will grow arithmetically. It tends to be the field of economics where he is most vividly stored, but his argument is essential about logistics. Economy and logistics are very closely intertwined.
The reason I chose FreeCiv as my example is that even in single player (artificial intelligence opponents) mode, the very basic logistical issues are somewhat secondary to combat can be impressively built in your own city Most of the "improvement" was also found to be secondary. It turned out that the smaller the logistics, the better. It is better to build a lot of unimproved cities, rather than developing your city. Players who produce more cities in preference to improving existing cities struggle to develop cities, and thus have production advantages that would be disadvantageous, so logistics rules. This simple logistic fact surpasses all. It is actually the fundamental problem of the game, which causes all of the colorful details and interesting artifacts provided in the city way possible. Its attractiveness simulation is to provide a wide range of interesting things it can build, the main characters have improved their cities
I became able to do this kind of simulation. In fact, the point I am trying to create is not related to the accuracy of the simulation, so it is easy to select an abstract simulation as an example. The point of my point is that logistics is very crucial. , How to go to battle, and how to do battle could be completely secondary You spend resources such as improving your population-center, etc. If you are predisposed in favor of a particular logistics course, you will find yourself below the foredoomed course If you tend to go to war, building more and more cities may be more than building a combat unit Because you are much more important as well
Logistics is so important, so before you dive into military considerations such as weapons and armed forces, you need to investigate the logistics of the situation and the factors affecting the situation thoroughly Get the logistics right and you get May stay, and stay ahead, even if they do not choose to go to fight, they may well lead to their pursuit to avoid going to war with you at all In real life.
Lowest price-enjoy fast profits
The lowest price for all products is the price set at the lowest without loss by either the businessman or the customer. Before you fix the lowest price, you need to study such factors as what to sell, how to sell, and who to sell. After these factors have been determined, you need to modify the price of the product or service you want to sell.
How to win the price war?
A close study of economics suggests that price is the result of supply and demand. ...
It's tough. :
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The lowest price for all products is the price set at the lowest without loss by either the businessman or the customer. Before you fix the lowest price, you need to study such factors as what to sell, how to sell, and who to sell. After these factors have been determined, you need to modify the price of the product or service you want to sell.
How to win the price war?
A close study of economics suggests that price is the result of supply and demand. The market is always settled with a fixed amount. Wholesalers and retailers start fixing their own prices according to the equilibrium of market prices. If you can either of these wholesalers or retailers, your price can be fixed at a minimum and you can guarantee huge profits.
Traditionally, there are three ways to set the price of a product:
-Standard markup-Always add the same percentage of markup to the cost of the product [ie cost plus 50%]
-Competitive parity-Charge the same price or average price of the competition
-Zero based pricing-receive a small margin for each high-sale item
You should fix your price based on the value perceived by the customer. Does the damage characterized by the lowest price to fix pay the cost for someone who wants to know? Contact a market research company or do it yourself if it is within your budget.
Pricing for a Healthy Business
Setting the lowest price does not mean undervaluing your product or service. While the lowest price setting is a blessing among businessmen, the curse for those bidding below. Getting sound business advice solves the first problem of understanding the best way to approach product or service pricing. Remember that the cost dictates the low price and must include the overhead of the product or service, the demand and supply factors
So concentrates that keep your cost of production low, since the cost can set a low price. Try to use advanced machineries to produce products with high quantity of raw material and little quantity. This offers to produce in bulk and can keep the price much lower than other wholesalers.
The visiting websites of people who are selling the same product compare their price lists with each other and then put your own price. This helps to set a low price for your product.
Advantages of low cost placement
There are several advantages to fixing the lowest price. They are:
-Get a lifetime customer that comes to you again and again for your business.
-You can gain fast popularity in the market among businessmen and customers.
-You will have a quick cash flow as your customers get crowded in your store.
-You are guaranteed a huge profit over the long term.
Because your customers are tough and tough, we offer products and services at the lowest prices. This will help you gain lifetime customer relationships.
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