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Malignant hypertension causes symptoms and treatment

This article provides comprehensive information about the treatment and complications of malignant hypertension and symptoms that cause hypertension

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Malignant hypertension, cause, symptoms, treatment, hypertension emergency, hypertension emergency, accelerated hypertension, papilledema, fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles and small arteries, vascular hemolytic anemia, hypertensive encephalopathy, high

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Malignant hypertension and acceleration of hypertension are two urgent conditions that should be treated promptly. Both conditions have the same result and therapy. However, malignant hypertension is a complication of hypertension which is characterized by very high blood pressure and organ damage in the eye, brain, lung and / or kidney. It differs from other complications of hypertension in that it is associated with papillary edema. (Drugs of optic nerve head of eye) Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure are usually greater than 240 and 120, respectively. While accelerated hypertension is a condition of high blood pressure, target organ damage, we have flame-shaped bleeding, or soft exudates, without papilledema at fundoscopy.

There are two things. Emergency of hypertension and emergency of hypertension. In the emergency of high blood pressure we do not see damage in target organs while in emergency we see damage in target organs with high blood pressure> 220 greater than systolic. It will now determine if there is a high blood pressure emergency or urgency by target organ damage. In an emergency, it is not required to reduce the blood pressure very rapidly, but it is necessary to reduce the high blood pressure of the high blood pressure emergency immediately.

The pathogenesis of malignant hypertension is fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles and arterioles. Erythrocytes are damaged as they flow through the container blocked by the precipitation of fibrin resulting in microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Another pathological process is the dilation of the cerebral artery resulting in enhanced blood flow to the brain causing clinical manifestations of high blood pressure encephalopathy. The common age is over 40 years and it is more frequent with people than women. Blacks are at higher risk of developing a high blood pressure emergency than the general population.

Target organs are mainly kidney, CNS and heart. Therefore, the symptoms of malignant hypertension are oliguria, headache, vomiting, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, paralysis, blurred vision. Most commonly, the central and CNS are involved in malignant hypertension. The etiology is not completely understood. Malignant hypertension develops to 1% of patients with essential hypertension, and some patients develop malignant hypertension, but other patients do not know why. Other causes include forms of secondary hypertension; use of cocaine, MAOIs, or oral contraceptives; beta blockers, or alpha stimulants. Renal artery stenosis, alcohol withdrawal, pheochromocytoma {Most pheochromocytomas can be localized using CT scan of the adrenal gland}, major investigations to access aortic coarctation, pregnancy and target organ damage , Complete kidney profile, BSR, chest x-ray, ECG, echocardiography, CBC, thyroid function test.

The patient is admitted to the intensive care unit. Intravenous lines are taken for fluids and drugs. The initial goal of treatment is to reduce mean arterial pressure by about 25% over the first 25-48 hours. However, the urgency of high blood pressure does not obligate admission to a hospital. The goal of treatment is to lower blood pressure within 24 hours that can be achieved as an outpatient. Initially, patients treated for malignant hypertension are instructed to fast to a stable. Once stable, all patients with malignant hypertension should take a low salt diet and focus on weight to lower the diet. Activity is limited to the rest of the bed until the patient is stable. Patients should resume normal activity as an outpatient if their blood pressure is controlled.

Hospitalization is necessary until severe hypertension is under control. Drugs delivered via IV lines like nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, or others can lower your blood pressure. An alternative for patients with renal failure is IV fenoldopam. Beta blockade can be achieved intravenously with esmolol or metoprolol. Labetalol is another common alternative that provides easy transfer from IV to oral (PO) dosing. Also available parenterally enalapril, diltiazem, verapamil, hydralazine also increase uterine profusion as phentolamine is the drug of choice for the crisis of pheochromocytoma after severe hypertension is brought under control Regular high blood pressure drugs taken at the mouth can control your blood pressure. Drugs sometimes need to be adjusted.

Keep in mind, it can lead to life-threatening conditions such as heart failure, infarction, renal failure and even blindness, otherwise it controls malignant high blood pressure
If you want to know more about <a href=""> malignant high blood pressure </a>, please visit our site

Means of reducing high blood pressure

Practicing to this change in diet can improve blood pressure reduction.

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Stress, Sodium, Blood Pressure, Blood, Pressure, Medicine, Caffeine, Diet, Vitamin, Mineral, Test, Lipid Panel,

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Hypertension is a major health problem affecting many people-many even do not realize that they have it. Often, changes in diet and exercise habits are said to be sufficient to control blood pressure without the use of medication. This is especially useful for people with mildness to ease blood pressure levels.

Reduced sodium intake is the most important factor in reducing blood pressure levels. Those affected with high blood pressure often require reducing sodium intake and also reducing blood pressure. It is important to know which foods are high in sodium, limit intake and avoid them all together.

Eating fruits and vegetabls are also important vitamins, minerals, and fiber in the intake of some grains. Studies have shown that people who eat high in these foods and low in fat can lower blood pressure in a small but important way.

Practicing to this change in diet can improve blood pressure reduction. It is said that people who help prevent and control high blood pressure and who are active in exercise have lower mortality rates than those who have sat even when the same blood pressure has been added and the added bonus is exercise and cardiovascular Although it only reduces the risk for other illnesses, it can help prevent obesity at another risk of high blood pressure

Practice is said to be the basis for a successful behavioral change program. Exercise has been shown to make people feel positive about themselves and helps to reduce stress, as well as factors that increase blood pressure,

Eat well, exercise is the cornerstone to reducing your blood pressure levels. However, they are not the only factor in successful blood pressure reduction. Control alcohol and caffeine intake are extremely different. You should try to drink these things moderately or not at all. If smoked, quitting can also make a profound difference. These are not things that should be taken lightly. Sometimes you can not just give these things. Because of this there are no instances for these months of months, some instances of more than a year!

Reducing stress is another very important factor in reducing your blood pressure This is a lifelong job but it turns out to be one of the most important things you can do for your health. If you find that you have pressure that seems to be out of control, taking a pressure management workshop may be in your future.

It is said that diet and exercise can reduce the need for blood pressure medications, yet of any reduction in your current medication dosage

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