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Managing millions of "invisible" workers: Spanish-speaking immigrants (part I)

Look at the spirit of migrant workers and organizational culture. :

It's tough. :

Immigration, labor, productivity, culture, diversity, Spanish, mexico

Article body:

Copyright 2006 Relational sensitivity

Recent events have highlighted the challenges associated with the US illegal immigration labor force. Many of the controversial immigrants are from Mexico, far exceeding 100,000. This argument is related to the fact that these immigrants are less likely to pay less, especially in certain industries, regardless of whether the Spanish-speaking immigrants are legalized. Physically requested work is given. Working in the background of our economy as a relatively invisible class, for all the intentions and purposes of many protests, boycotts, and debates in the United States

10 common challenges

1. Effective written communication of policies and procedures understood by Spanish-speaking employees

2. Identify professional or trade related development opportunities

3. Recognize the values ​​and personalities of workers

4. Align employees with company vision, mission and values

5. Incorporate in the promotion of 5. Propose employee innovation

6. Handling chronic absence and / or lateness

7. Instill employee commitments that reflect each other's loyalty

8. Lack of participation in the company sponsored English as a second language course

9. Each employee explains the importance of contributing to the success of the company and becomes more confident and creative

10. Understanding how inter-functional language groups and / or teamwork influence of geographical origin country

There is no easy solution, and the answer is not to throw blame on one party, a country, a group, or each other. By learning about cultural differences, employers can improve organizational culture through a process that is based on employee strength and value. It is important to understand certain important cultural references before the organization has a clear idea of ​​the potential of Spanish-speaking employees.

With the exception of the definition by all the generalizations, this discussion does not exactly describe all the people word-only or mainly Spanish. However, it is worth considering common cultural phenomena that affect work behavior. The separation of religion and personal identity, collective culture, and government is more absent for Spanish speakers than mainstream Americans, or the vast majority of non-Spanish speakers are Catholics and churches Values ​​are interwoven in all aspects of society. Immigrant Spanish speakers in the United States are trying to experience an ongoing cultural shock for this.

It also means that Latin American municipalities and citizens are Catholic in value. However, it is not always practiced, but it provides the social framework underlying all communication and behavior. Employers may be aware of religious holidays and rituals that may disturb the production schedule. As members of a culture-oriented culture, cherish not only Spanish speakers, but also their immediate families as well as their families and related activities. Thus, employers may consider the importance of family commitments when considering leave policies and other benefits.

People who speak Spanish are not homogeneous, and in fact, they are very sensitive to sectors based on skin color, heritage, education and socioeconomic status. North American values ​​that evolved in the history of the US, such as gender equality, freedom of religion, and “raising yourself by your bootstrap, are the potential for your individuals to achieve educational achievement, employment opportunities, and acquisition. It is very common to see themselves as members of a class that limits gender, and some Spanish-speaking workers are more pervading law enforcement agencies, governments and businesses in countries of origin. Due to obvious ethical issues, failure to the public sector or policy is more than just walking off the work and reporting harassment, proposing ideas that will increase productivity and reduce frustration Even disappearing strong share of the organization's values, building confidence in building communication All the functions in the workplace increase employee's trust and participation.

Immigrant Spanish speakers tend to have a very strong collective sense of humor. They are masters in idiomatic expressions, sayings, word games, stories, and jokes. They can often spend time faster, whether they are doing boring work or traveling long cars. This is social contact and verbal communication on individual work and other communication like emails or notes eg verbal such as corridos or folk songs used to convey news or events Although much cultural knowledge has been transferred through lore, now also everyone in Mexico knows the great number of rancheras and other traditional songs that provide a sense of identity. There is no such phenomenon in today's United States.

The list of issues above and the cultural reference points shared here are to illustrate the complexity of the Spanish-speaking workforce. In Part II of this article, we will delve deeper into business strategies to further maximize the contribution and development of migrant workers.

Basic knowledge of MBA

The MBA is probably the most coveted course in the world today. This course tops the list of courses in almost all developed and developing countries around the world. The enthusiasm for the course has brought many small private associations etc. Offer this course.

It's tough. :

MBA, Admission, FAFSA, Loan, GPA

Article body:

The MBA is probably the most coveted course in the world today. This course tops the list of courses in almost all developed and developing countries around the world. The enthusiasm for the course has brought many small private associations etc. Offer this course. However, you will find the best placements for only students who have an MBA degree from some recognized prominent university. Therefore, a research institute or university is the first factor for a successful career in this area. This article will educate you on a variety of issues such as finance, study strategies, interviews and more. Related to the choice of MBA as a profession.

• There is no shortcut in today's competitive world. Students who are willing to take admissions at any of the best institutions in Asia or abroad should study hard and get good grades. 3.0 to 4.0 is the minimum grade required for the Undergraduate Grade Average (GPA).

* Most of the MBA schools and universities go through the GMAT or Graduate Management Entrance Examination exams and declare the student's caliber. This test is to estimate individual knowledge of English, math and analytical writing skills. The verbal or English section consists of 41 questions answered within 75 minutes. Questions like correction of hidden grammatical errors etc. The math section has the same 75 minutes as 37 questions. Questions are on various mathematical topics such as proportions, proportions, etc. Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu.

• The school or university depends on the grade you get in the exam. There may not be poor ones, but good grades will get a deemed university.

• The MBA program has many options within this full time period. You can take financial management, human resources etc like you. It is up to the student to decide which course to go to.

* If you have a preference for the course, time will come to see the structure of the fare. Usually MBA schools meet high fees not within the scope of students. In this case, they look for other financial aid. Many schools offer scholarships, grants and more. It can be respected. Other loans are always available. Consider a loan institution that offers banks and companies, also recommending the grade and name of the student. Schools are very productive and pay good living repayment locations.

A free application for FAFSA or federal government students, loans offered by the federal government have a prominent job in this area. However, due to the popularity of the loan, the application should be sent as soon as possible.

* Ask for many MBA school recommendation letters. This is to justify the students' authenticity. In this case, the letter should be taken by an honored known authority that lifts your name in front of the seeker.

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