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Monday morning Mindfulness-05/01/2006

Biweekly ezine

It's tough. :

Article body:

I have received this newsletter because I subscribe to Monday morning's Mindfulness. Also read this newsletter online at my site.

May1, 2006 Number 223

1. for special offers or invitations
2. About evaluation of value
3. With a great speech
4. Global Aging
5. Recommended Reading
6. About announcement
7. About subscriptions and cancellations (at the end of the newsletter)

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Welcome to Monday morning mindfulness. To my customers, colleagues and friends. Joined me on every other Monday, just inspired by motivation / action / thinking / different feeling.

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1. for special offers or invitations

Do you prefer to be successful with your business? Scroll down the page and listen to voice messages from the coach Sandra.

Are you a payer for customers who are suffering? Do you learn how to connect with your audience? Persuade people to act based on what you say? You can get answers to these questions. It is slammed to say if it is heard and put in the number. I will answer your questions by email within 48 hours.

If you can confidently guide your persuasive speaking skills with having two coaches sitting by your side? You can do it now. Audio CD, power presentation for professionals, helps to master a few simple, yet sophisticated strategies. Do you want to learn how to give a compelling speech? Do you want to know what to set apart a leader? Are you ready to prepare a speech to hit your audience's hot button? This audio CD is shared by professional voice instructors in 46 years. Business people are grateful to the emerging speakers for high content and efficient use. Look at the link below.

2. About evaluation of value

Do you agree with the vast knowledge in the 20th century? We experienced a huge change while creating the worst century to make trouble on the massive killing of the environment and human types. I can ask you so stupid smart? Albert-Einstein said: Science is something (fact). It is driven by questions and is influenced by cultural values ​​and religion. Science and technology seems to have been developed without ethical value in the 20th century.

The wonder of the coach. Can I fix this in the 21st century?

3. With a great speech

Here, keep in mind when you are delivering a speech, whether you are trying to inspire or persuade the audience to take some action

There is always someone introducing you-the reason you selected to interact with someone else, including experience in this area, credentials.

Grab the attention of a strong opening audience-ask a question, make an amazing statement, tell a story.

Challenge Your Audience Provide a Brief Statement of Speech Purposes-Tell them what you want to hear, just what you need to hear.

Present a solution-provide a plan to solve their problems.

When it's the main point-this is something to do with the act of "holding and contracting": actions, intentions, not change.

The coach asks. When you talk, are you a service provider or a broadcaster?

4. Global Aging

The largest global survey of attitudes towards aging and retirement ever undertaken has shown that most people in the world consider their retirement options in favor of a mix of self-sufficiency and work and leisure. Percent) think that the government should force additional private savings rather than raise retirement age (23 percent) (12 percent) The future of the retirement private bank HSBC: The world wants 21,000 studies Survey people and 20 companies in 6,000 countries and regions, and many seniors want to work, and most

Sez Coach .. There are huge challenges and opportunities presented by global aging.

5. Recommended Reading

Paul Coelho's personal legend is the trip he takes on his book, the alchemist. "It's a saga of a sudden trip, a companion encounter arriving at a chance encounter and a timely moment, a story where asking questions is more important than answers, the answer is ours" This book is 100 More than a million people are read in 56 languages ​​Allegory is the author's effort to try to find meaning for his own life, about a shepherd boy who leaves the house to find treasure. This book is my site.

The coach is thinking. There may be some questions that have no answer.

6. About announcement

Visit my new Blog (online journal) to learn about the benefits of having a niche, 'Twelve Step for Effective Email Pro motivates your audience to act on your website Give 'and' a tip of Ten. Please tell me your thoughts. Add your own comments.

"Speak like a pro for profit": Struggling to get a client? Review by "E-book" Proven tips and techniques including this e-book at any time-everyone is safe. I would like to take this note: persuasive announcements and / or talks that you want to be delivered to leaders, authors, business people to combat spam. Only $ 8.95.
"This book provides practical and sound advice. I worked with Sandra and made her knowledge and guidance very valuable."
-Dr. Christine Wood, Pediatrician, Speaker, Author

See you in Denver, more 9-13; Phoenix, Arizona, more 21-23; Palo Alto, CA, June 20-28; Orlando, FL, July 22-25 (NSA) Let's share

About the author

Coach Sandra * Shriff shares some readable insights in this biweekly broadcast and welcomes positive responses and input. Her founding 13 years as the founder / owner of the San Diego Rostrum Speakers Station is her privilege to work with many outstanding professional speakers and meeting planners across the country she wants to know what she is. What you need to know the speakers!

If you're an executive, you will benefit from the enhancement of your presentation skills, so use any audiovisual aid, rather than get confused from your message

As a coach, Sandra will provide a heavy prospect of delivering ideas, getting in touch with the business.

Email Sandra for your free 30 minute coach call.

The risk of life is like a cliff as Mega House original. '

Thank you for reading
Mindfulness looks for your next issue on May 15, 2006
--Sandra Coach

Please email me if you have comments that you want to share. Ask individuals who are affected by this newsletter or professional. Easy-to-use, easy-to-use, easy-to-use, easy-to-use, easy-to-use

As a friend, the speaker coach can enjoy reading and subscribe to MMM. Copyright 2006, Monday morning Mindfulness. You can copy the copyright file for these contents.

"Tsutsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bonds

It is in our life in our life in our life in our life in our life in our life Our life in our life Aquí te cuento un poco mi propia experiencia espero que te sea útil.

It's tough. :

sociedad, relaciones, motivation, inspiración, auto ayuda, social, relationship, motivation, inspiration, self improvement, transfer, move, transfer

Article body:

City mudas, sea cual fuera la razón, trabajo, situación económica, familia, novio, novia, cambio-de-ea; todas las razones llegan a ser insufficientes pero necesarias a la hora de adaptase.

Una * Nueva cultura Adaptarse, idioma, ambiente, clima, reglas sociales, y estilo de vida es muy duro y al mismo tie mpo tie mpo tie esante. que erage demasiado chica para seguir mi propio camino y demasiado grande para depender de susiones. 禁 seguí rus decisiones demi familia.

Alprin cipio demi lille, decideí tomarme todo fá cilmente como si fuera irreal, ya que erage muy duro en frentar la realidad de que me aleje de mi vida, que deje todo lo que tenia atrás.

Review deleted Janto Con el Klima era Carloso, Vivia cerca de la playa lo cual en mi país no lo tenía entonces mi vida seria un cuento total. A lo largo de los meses, no hacia mas nada que salir, comprar conocer gente y divertirme sin ning nn propósito de lo iba a pasar en mi futuro.

Luego de unos meses conocí a un chico que creía que cumplía con todas mis expectativas de hombre ideal. Popular, atractivo, cympicos, deportista demas. Comenzamos a salir y creía que era el sueño de mi vida hecho realidad, Qué podía ser mas perfecto que eso?

La realidad me cayo de golpe cuando me di c

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