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Patents-The greatness of America

Patents are common, but no known about patents. Here our advance in American technology has surpassed that of all other countries combined. Many people don't like to hear it, but that is a fact, and America preempts other countries more economically than any other factor, even today

In this article, I cover many of the advances made by American inventor throug. ..

It's tough. :

Patent, Patent

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Patents are common, but no known about patents. Here our advance in American technology has surpassed that of all other countries combined. Many people don't like to hear it, but that is a fact, and America preempts other countries more economically than any other factor, even today

In this article, I cover much of the progress made by American inventors through our relatively short history compared to other countries.

Not all inventions that helped make America grow did not occur in America, but were not invented, and those patented here made steel first patented by British inventor Henry Bessemer . He invented the Bessemer converter or Bessemer process.

He acquired his patent in 1855, even though the process was known in China in the third century. According to "The principle is the removal of impurities from iron by oxidation through air blowing through molten iron. Oxidation also raises the temperature of the iron mass and keeps it melted."

However, like the creative Americans of Andrew-Carnegie's ones built from tin cans to high-rise buildings in railroads and ships. It will be steel processing for many US-invented patents.

Benjamin Franklin of the credit of many people for the discovery of electricity. That is true, but electrification is not exactly the same. People like Thomas Edison introduced a direct current system known as DC. Nicola-Tesla was working towards exchanges, or the use of exchanges.

Tesla was a Slavic, but when he did all of his important work of electricity, a citizen of the United States. At the turn of the century, Tesla was already working in areas such as robotics and ballistics. George-Westinghouse was a friend of Tesla and a major competitor of Thomas-Edison. The inventor of the practical method by the use of George Westinghouse Input Power.

Westinghouse also invented things and held many of his own patents. People associated him with home appliances, but he held patents that were also related to the railway. He held a patent on the system to put the railcar back on track after they derailed. He held the patent for inventing the first air brake.

Electrical and steel processing are just two of the great scientific discoveries that have made this country great. I am filing a patent on this article for scientific discovery because I have to deal with it Many people are nuclear, automotive, airplane, electronics, radio and television, agriculture, computer, telephone, air conditioning, refrigeration Important scientific discoveries like spacecraft, the Internet

However, these important scientific discoveries make up a small percentage of all patents applied and granted. Most patents are derived from one or more of the great scientific discoveries, but patents are granted for the unique use or combination of the great discoveries.

The genius and inventiveness of all the other American citizens above can be attributed to the fact that we are a free society. Freedom of speech also means freedom of thought. But freedom brings great knowledge and discoveries.

Some inventions or great scientific discoveries can be attributed to foreign people, but nowhere else their discoveries and inventions are through history than in the United States

For each major scientific discovery, thousands of patents have been submitted to put it into practical use. Today, patents are still being applied at a very fast rate. America invents its own ideas and does not stop patents. As long as American culture continues to promote this innovation, America leads far more in all technology areas, but countries that suppress civil liberties

I hope this article, while we only touch on some inventions and discoveries, to the United States will remain the rest of the world far ahead through technology How many U.S. Patent Office websites through search The invention is patented.

Patent, Trademark, Copyright-What is the difference?

Discussion of differences in patents, trademarks and copyrights. How long they last. What they protect

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Patent, Patent, Trademark, Trademark, Copyright, Copyright, Lawyer, Patent Search, Patent Attorney, Intellectual Property

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<b> patents </ b>

Patents protect inventions through federal law. Invention is your creative idea for a new product (manufacturer), machine, process, method, composition of matter, product decoration, or new plant. Improvements to existing products may also be patented.

The <b> Utility </ b> patent protects most of these. To be patentable, your invention must be useful, innovative and non-obvious. The <b> Design </ b> patent protects the decoration on the device. <b> Plant </ b> patents protect new plant varieties.

<b> Utility </ b> Patents are exclusive rights for 20 years from the filing date (no one can give you exclusive rights, use, sale, sale, or import your inventions in

<b> Design </ b> Patents give you monopoly over fourteen years from the day of the problem and prevent others from making patented devices with your decoration on them (examples, tables are useful It's a device, but not from the patented table's flats and legs but from this table If there are unusual decorative shapes or surface patterns on your table, the other is that shape or surface I can prevent making a table with a pattern.)

<b> Plant </ b> Last patent for twenty years from the filing date of the patent application.

Infringement of your patent allows you to potentially get lawyer fees plus treble damages.

<b> Trademarks </ b>

Trademarks (or service marks of services) protect names, logos, slogans, etc. through both federal and state laws. Your name, logo or slogan identifies you to your potential customers as a source of goods or services that you offer, and therefore, trademarks

There are both federal and state trademarks. There are also common law trademarks that are not registered at the federal or state level. Federal trademark applications are possible and available before, trademark names and logos are registered trademarks of the slogan.

Except for the common law trademarks, federal and state trademarks must be updated regularly. Federal trademarks should be renewed every decade. If you no longer use the trademark, you lose your rights. Otherwise, you will have the right forever as long as you use and / or update the mark continuously.

Infringement of your trademark allows you to potentially earn triple damages and attorneys' fees.

<b> Copyright </ b>

Copyright protects your creative artistic expression, but only once, it is set in tangible form. For example, create a song and sing. There is no copyright unless the song has been recorded or written, as there is no concrete expression of your artistic expression. However, once you write, record, photograph, draw, or otherwise, create a tangible record of your artistic expression, you have copyright automatically, that is, you create or sell a copy It is the only person who has the right.

It is the subject of copyright that can not be idea. In that case, we only get a patent. Examples of copyrighted material are books, magazines, poetry, songs, written music, music playing, paintings and paintings, photographs, videos, architectural plans, website content and layouts, and

Copyright lasts for 70 years with the life of the creator (or to die for multiple authors) for new work under current law. If the job is made for employment, this term is 95 years from publication, or 120 years from creation.

Federal law provides you with the right to enforce your copyright, but only after it has been registered. You may be subject to legal damages up to $ 150,000. 00, plus the possibility of being awarded a lawyer fee. Therefore, it is very important to register your copyright as soon as possible.

<b> Others </ b>

Finally, protection of trade secrets is another means of providing protection to ideas. However, the keywords here are secrets. Inform those who do not need to know the secret and are no longer protected. Trade secrets are great for protecting secret formulas and processes.

For more information, please visit

C2006, Williamson Intellectual Property Law, LLC; All Rights Reserved, Worldwide.
This article, and / or its reading, should not be construed as providing, including, or receiving legal advice, and if you are considering protecting any lawyers and clients intellectual property, select Please consult your lawyer.

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