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Poetry of drug addiction

It seems as if it is an important part of the spirit of the lift in words that resonate with poetry and heart often. When you are fighting drug addiction, poetry can help you focus and put you on track of recovery. Depends on action and assistance towards mobility.

Perhaps the best known poem is "The Pray for Silence":

Give me a quietness to accept what I can not change

To change what I can do

And wisdom to know the difference

The following poetry, called "Begin Again", is quite inspirational because drug addiction requires people to leave their old lives to recover.

We are one of the best things we can do in our lives

Start again

Start looking at yourself as you were when you were happy

As I learned the beginning, it is not the limit

Try and start to recapture the magic that is life

As you did when you were a child, start to live lifelong every day

Start to forget your luggage, a problem that is no longer a problem, the tears that cried off yourself, and the heart trying to flush out on the shore of the new beginning of tomorrow

I will be told tomorrow, so here's daily life

If we are wise, we will keep away from past problems

And give the future and the opportunity for ourselves to be the best of friends

Sometimes everything it takes is a heart desire to allow yourself

Start again

~ Unknown author

People with drug addiction can find some beautiful words living in poetry. It can speak to them and motivate them to act. For example, let's let go of this next poem telling us hope: "two days":

There are two days every week

We should not worry

Two days

It should be kept free from fear and anxiety

One is yesterday with all that mistakes and worries

Failure or misstep, its pain or pain

Yesterday passed forever beyond our control

Because I can not do it, I did one action to restore the original or I was replaced with the work of erasing

Yesterday is gone forever

And there is tomorrow

With all possibilities, it is adversity, its burden, its reward

The sun of tomorrow will rise

One of splendor or behind a cloud mask

But it will rise

We have no stakes tomorrow until it is not

Because it is not yet born

It's a leaf today

Everyone can fight the battle for just one day

It's time you add the burden of yesterday and tomorrow

That you break

It is not today's experience of driving people angry

It is a regret or bitterness of something that happened yesterday

And the fear of what tomorrow may bring


For the peace of mind and hope

Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu.

Live today!

~ Unknown author

If you are suffering from drug addiction, write your own poem. Look in your heart, see what the addiction is doing to you, and express your feelings in poems. Still live up to see!

Drug addiction in the Philippines

Many people focusing on drug use in the United States probably do not pay much attention to drug addiction in the Philippines. It is a growing problem for the people of that country, and they should not be ignored. Drug addiction in the Philippines has been increasing at an alarming rate since World War II. Sadly, why the reason is not clear.

Most Filipino drug users are young. Current illicit drugs include marijuana, LSD, opiates, and tranquilizers. It is estimated that 60,000 young people in the Philippines are dealing with drug addiction, while there are no tight fast statistics available.

According to studies conducted in this small country, the incidence of drug addiction has risen dramatically. The majority of drug users are students whose marijuana is the drug of choice. Many people believe that this rise is due to simple curiosity, but it is likely that Filipino young people are trying to imitate Western ones in the United States

So much attention has focused on American drug addiction, so information is readily available in the Philippines, as there are medicines. This is an increasing demand for drugs that push drug dealers to grow their cannabis plants, thus being illegal in the Philippines. There have also been recent reports of drugs being manufactured in illegal labs as well. The local drug police made several raids to try and control this activity, but of course wasted.

Several measures, both private and governmental, have been taken to meet the substance abuse problem. Drug law violators who inform the authorities of their addiction facts and their desire to harden so that they can receive treatment and rehabilitation

On the other hand, a new organization, the Philippines Drug Foundation, has recently been formed. Its purpose is to educate the public about the dangers of drug addiction, in order to raise funds for the treatment and reorientation of young addicts. The efforts of this newly established organization and the efforts of the poisoning laboratory and other interested groups will eventually address the amazing growth of local drug abuse

Drug addiction in the Philippines is becoming more and more problematic, but the Philippine government is working on it. Just like in the US – here and in the Philippines, drug addiction is nothing to be taken lightly no matter what it happens.

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