This article is why you should buy your own screen printing t-shirts, as well as the philosophical reason for the continued existence of the screen printing industry
It's tough. :
Screen printing, custom printed after modern t-shirt
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If we boldly claim that the printing industry is dead and drive towards our own frugality and perfection it is the first dead industry that the industry is newer, to die It must have been replaced by a higher production mode. The spinning wheel killed the hand-woven there, which in turn was made by the invention of mechanical spinning wheels and so on. The point is that these industries try to continue, but as the human spirit pushes out the fit, tradition, ignorance, and advances from the caves into the light,
Many argue that this is what is happening to the screen printing industry today. I do not think that traditional screen printing will be done forever, but digital technology is not a revolution that traditional screen printing will become obsolete The fact of the matter is that digital printing is in its infancy, and anytime soon There is no intention to overtake screen printing.
The reason for this enlightenment line of thought is that the choice of it brings along with various. In an existential way, our precious choices and independence are present, giving rise to the tremendous amount of variety that made this choice ultimate good. If everything is relative and absolute, the choices that occur create diversity, which is the new ultimate good. It does not mean that your screen printing will be lost to choose for this ability. People still choose to print in the traditional way, because screen printing is still a very cost-effective ordering of twenty or more t-shirts. People buy them because they are still produced at good quality, good prices.
This revolution does not occur because digital printing sometimes does not allow the exponential increase in production as technology increases. It is a money t-shirt because there are those who do not come out with screen printing to guarantee our freedom again. This extra money is often, but not always correctly, linked to the increase in happiness which is the ultimate drive for the individual. So if your innumerable options for a printer get their happiness increased from the ability to choose to use a screen on a digital printer-printer so choosing a traditional screen printer makes it happier and t-shirt It is an obvious choice for large orders.
Power of pen
Every leader, supervisor, coach, team-member and parent has been told of the value of providing positive feedback. If you want to give positive feedback, if you are thinking about telling those above, writing down will speed you down.
It's tough. :
Positive feedback, praise, feedback, written feedback, encouragement, thanks
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Every leader, supervisor, coach, team-member and parent has been told of the value of providing positive feedback. We asked why. We heard that we don't do it enough. We have learned all of the basics about giving a positive feedback successfully: it is timely, it makes it specific, and a positive fee
All this is a good piece of advice, but if we want to make a long lasting difference in other self-image, confidence and performance, it will be lacking in signs. If you want to give positive feedback, it is possible to consider or consider the above.
<b> Why write it down </ b>
This is valuable not only for individuals but also for descriptive feedback.
1. <b> It is rare. </ b> I'm starting to give too little positive feedback, and I'm writing less on reception. In the form of thoughts of time, it shows that the writing and feedback of the receiver what important.
2. <b> You can save it. </ b> Oral feedback can be saved, but only in the recipient's mind. I say to people that I remember, in some cases I can take you to the exact position they told me, but when I fail in our memories , While the event is only lost, millions of moments. It is not something in writing. Not only can you save thoughts and comments, but often you can bet that they will be saved ... for a very long time.
3. <b> It is reloaded and hence enhanced. </ b> The praise of words is shared and can be tasted by the receiver, but I don't think many people stop giving feedback, and it's the "other" completely reversed for handwritten notes . It is read at least twice initially, and feedback is likely to be especially meaningful in a few days, especially for some more hours-and often much more
<b> There are several ways to do that </ b>
It is really as easy as picking up your pen and writing genuine comments from the heart to another person. You can give positive feedback to people in the habit of introducing some of the methods.
1. <b> Send a letter. </ b> Write someone Quick letters don't take very long. It just doesn't have to be formal you need to tell the other person how it feels just fine. Don't put it off, just write it.
2. <b> Because I like you. </ b> I learned this from Jig Ziglar. Give someone a positive feedback to make it easy to use a pretty little pad. It was printed in "I like you" because there were several lines to fill in your notes. I have used this idea for many years in various settings with great success. Pad yourself like this, comment, blank paper or index card. The starter king of this sentence becomes possible and the hand (I have received the evaluation that I would like to see you act.
3. <b> Thank you. </ b> The written feedback extension is a handwritten thank-you note. Most of us can write a thank-you note than us and acknowledge that someone did for us, but they also write a positive feedback commit in addition to your note in the following voice Is pouring.
4. <b> Send an email. </ b> This is an e-mail letter, or a quick reply to a project update, letting someone know that their approach was good, or while writing handwritten notes is hard to beat Email is saved and reread too. Do not underestimate the value of quick three or four line emails.
The story is designed for meaningful writing and use, and you know more. There is a lot of re-reading of the note insurance year in the story. I talk about people who said that some handwritten encouragement supported their trust, helped them through tough times and contributed hard to their success
Because there was no, it can be appreciated that it can be evaluated that it is right to say that these talks can also be made. We know that it is worthwhile, and we know more than thank you.
I bet you to read these words that you have thought about at least one of the writing and positive reinforcements you can share. You know who it is, to say, and now you have remembered the impact that the action may have, so you have other choices
Write that note now.
Also, it was addressed to that person. And knowing, changing the life of others.
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