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Private companies in the eyes of alternative investors

In a broad stroke, Entrex is a brand new market for alternative investment communities. It takes compliance standards and reports structures that have been part of a long public investment market and applies to private companies.

It's tough. :

Private companies in the eyes of alternative investors

Article body:

Q: Entrex has brought public market standards and discipline to the private market. I understand the value of this to the alternative investment community, but what is the value to me as a private business owner?

-Craig Rutkai, Business Owner, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

A: That is the question I get more than any other. To answer, let's start with what Entrex is.

In a broad stroke, Entrex is a brand new market for alternative investment communities. It takes compliance standards and reports structures that have been part of a long public investment market and applies to private companies.

Until Entrex, there was no way to compare apples to apples, nor was there any way to know what I was getting when investing in a private company. Entrex brings transparency to the private investment process and gives alternative investment communities a new place to put their money.

It came to be able to set, but it seems to be only this profit. In a nutshell: the capital.

Today, approximately 80 percent of private companies receive their funds within the 50-mile radius of their home office. Basically this is a businessman with friends, family, co-workers, locals venture-capitalists and researchers. It is a kind of understatement to say that these ways of pursuing capital are restricted.

However, alternative investors are chomping with a bit to invest in private companies. They simply need a means to do so-they are willing to do due diligence so that they can find, study, track, Entrex is that entity.

Whether you are looking for capital, are interested in acquisitions, or simply how your business is valued for shareholders on a quarterly basis This is a need for a private business for liquidity And brings together the need for an alternative investment market for fresh investment opportunities in one place.

The revolution is the beginning. You can be part of it.

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