Are you ready to take over the leadership role of your organization? You probably feel comfortable with your industry, administrative staff, technology, and political culture at this point. But are you the top leader in tuning leadership for development and fines now? The first step to success is to assess your leadership skills.
It's tough. :
Leadership, Dennis * Somer, Leader, Management, BTRC, Executive Employment, Recruitment, IT Management
Article body:
Copyright 2006 Denis-Somer
Are you ready to take over the leadership role of your organization? You probably feel comfortable with your industry, administrative staff, technology, and political culture at this point. But are you the top leader in tuning leadership for development and fines now? The first step to success is to assess your leadership skills. Take a look at how you score on this 25 question rating.
The following survey will guide you to assess the other in your organization, or to hire a C-level executive to assess your current leadership capabilities.
If this quality of leadership is met consistently for each question, the answer is "Yes". The answer may be "No" if this leader quality.
After answering all the questions, let's see how you score.
1. motivate people around them to perform beyond inspiration and expectations?
2. How do you act like the owner of which company they currently hold?
3. Do you have a vision for the future and convey it to everyone you meet?
4. Do you confirm the importance of long-term personal, team, and company objectives?
5. A goal for all activities that succeed. Will you never give up?
6. Always looking for new knowledge and new ideas to improve individual and company performance?
7. A better way to be motivated is always a knowledge base of employee expansion?
8. Encourage interactive communication throughout the organization?
9. Acceptance for both positive and negative feedback?
10. Listen to employees, colleagues and customers with an open mind?
11 Maintain a high level of trust with your employees. Do you want to carefully monitor your proven employees?
12 Are you very sensitive to people and ideas that embrace and differ from diversity?
13 Behavior-oriented self-starter calculus risk?
14 Do you think you can come up with a serious situation with a fast solution on your own foot?
15 Will it help employees develop the habits they need to be more successful?
16 Do you empower employees to make decisions?
17-year-old employee's performance and constructive feedback
18 Do you stimulate change and enjoy?
19 Immediately adjust to changes. Not afraid of change, but look at it as an opportunity?
20 Realize the importance of a positive frame of mind and attitude. Are you positive in all situations?
21 Are you apologizing and admitting a mistake?
22 Do the documents refer to personal, team, and company values on a daily basis?
23 Are personal, team and company values considered a guiding principle for all decisions?
24 Are the values documented and routinely referenced?
25 Employees' performance on the basis of measurable data and use these measurements as training tools?
How is the score?
Each answer is 1 point. Each "No" answer gets 0 points.
21-The leader of the notch on the 25 points of your field =
16-20 points = great potential to become a successful leader with additional experience and instruction
0 to 15 points = Prioritize additional leadership training and experience
Life of the quality of the eye of the beholder
No matter how good you believe in your product or project solution, the quality in the "actually the quality" perception than your client and customer "perception quality" is personalized, courtesy, special consideration, caring Attitude and, receiving something above what we are paying
It's tough. :
Quality, customer service, customer satisfaction, awareness, quality in fact
Article body:
Copyright 2006 Adelsomers
No matter how good you believe in your product or project solution, the quality in the "actually the quality" perception than your client and customer "perception quality" is personalized, courtesy, special consideration, caring Attitude and, receiving something above what we are paying
Those things are just like the quality we provide to our customers and customers than the actual quality we offer through our products, services and project solutions, and the quality as well as the gap that compensates for the effective quality awareness. Stimulation consumes inconvenience. Through an example, this article explains how to recognize quality defects in perception and what to do about them.
Example 1-Move away from the customer
This auto repair service has repeatedly failed to fix the diagnostic problem of the car and can not be fixed in many attempts. Customers who are single mothers will miss time from work by shuttle cars back and forth. Car repair shops do not have alternative vehicles, it does not offer pick up or drop off service. The owner of the car can not afford to rent a car and she has insurance coverage for this need.
In addition to not fixing her car, the customer not only has her wages docked for the time he missed at work, she suffers rebukes to raise it up, she When a child is injured at the playground and has to be taken to the hospital, answering an emergency call from the child's school may take some of this bad quality, but the ripple effect as a compound Remove the enlargement. However, even if the quality is actually poor (the car can not be repaired), the repair shop will provide customer sympathy, such as providing sympathy with the alternative vehicle, if the customer relationship is improved.
Example 2-In many cases, it is not a cost
Some time ago, I was a volunteer intermediary for the court system with a small claim. Over a period of several months, I was fascinated by the proportion of cases involving alleged injustice and incompetence. People were suing business such as termite services and automatic body painters, and former close friends and healthcare providers over a variety of complaints. The suit often asked for a fairly small amount of compensation, meaning that the financial aspect was not the main concern.
What a repeat mediation session, each plaintiff does not listen to his or her concerns with the vendor, service provider, healthcare provider, or original friend Plaintiffs complain about the shortcomings of the service, product, or communication I often believed that was dismissed. In these cases, the defendants were offering something as simple as the previous apology-and sincere efforts to communicate while they take timely corrective action
Example 3-An honest communication problem
The main project (the website data collection and processing and its customers are really easy to get to be incorporated into the group consultants. The group seems to be working, but this is the project. After all, it is easy How did you find a complex web site?
A little realized that it is many times more complex than the customer's basic home page. The final project of the project is impossible to complete a close consulting group. The consultant eventually got a system that worked after many delays and thousands of calamities. The customers, however, very unfortunately, ultimately meet the consultant, in the quality requirements of the project.
Who is it? The customer did not understand what he was asking for. To overcome that, they insisted on a short schedule reflecting a simplified view of the effort. The consulting group, on the other hand, was not outspoken about its own limitations. The partner rushed to find someone who claimed to be able to work. They kept quiet about their difficulties and did not reveal growing issues. Failure to communicate has resulted in a significant loss of customer confidence and a significant reduction in quality.
In conclusion, the quality of recognition can deeply influence your customer and customer experience with the solution of your products, services and projects, confirming that you have not overlooked the opportunity to create a quality of perception for,:
1) Special courtesy that can put your offering away from your competitors
2) Your ability to listen to and handle swift and diplomatic complaints
3) Your willingness to be honest to the customer about the issues and drawbacks
Remember that quality in perception is not a substitute for real quality. However, it not only strongly enhances the quality of the stellar when you finally deliver it, but also longs towards minimizing customer and client complaints
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