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SafeHarbor; eBay's own Scottish yard.

SafeHarbor is a police on eBay. If it gets corrupted, the rules will be that scams try and not go for buying, they will be for later.

When you are not paying.

The most common rule of the buyer's break is also a trash auction that just changes easily. eBay views contracts and any auctions and punishes if you do not go with your end of the deal. If you decide not to pay then expect to get a few nasty alert emails from eBay threatening to ban and do it again. Of course, of course, I am not responsible for commenting Kuru who has not yet paid a big negative.

So what if you can not buy on eBay?

Yes there is: more than you expect. That means you can't buy firearms, for example, but you can't also buy fireworks-eBay is a squirrel that will send them in the post That means many countries in the law can not buy alcohol or cigarettes . You can not buy illegal or prescription drugs, stocks or shares, or lottery tickets. No pets and no pets are allowed, so small pet puppies and kittens can not be bought. Does not have pirated cds or software, as the items infringe copyright.

eBay's policy is at least arguable because it's somewhat random at its enforcement-and they are actually in danger of auctioning off items that make them go after you or the seller If you cancel the auction, you may also interrupt your account.

It's a scam

The eBay line is overwhelmed by things that are not subject to regulation. If you are a victim of fraud-for example, you pay for items that will never come up-then SafeHarbor will investigate for you eBay's standard purchase protection is $ 200 if your request is successful Give up. But be aware that this will take several months.

In addition to if you paid with PayPal, then, they usually reverse transactions relatively easily, and more of your money back (not all the reason why there are many other buyers Good use PayPal is available: They can only send items in good faith to find that their buyers were fraudulent and transactions reversed, even as buyers as fraudulent Use PayPal is available.

What is that? Do you not know how to use PayPal? But fortunately, the next article is using PayPal on eBay.

EBay Buyer FAQ.

So, do you have any questions? What would you like to do something very wrong? Well, fair enough. Here I have a question to ask all the time from the buyer.

Is there a customer service department that I can call Ebay?

Contacts that are considered difficult by eBay run the site as ever needed. Notification mails can be sent and received, and the center setting should be made coherent. Iyone "Live help" webchat.

Get to the phone customer service only eBay Power sellers (very high feedback rating sellers). If you really want to try your luck, you can enter 'ebay [your country] phone number' into the search engine and possibly find something. Unfortunately, it's a chance to have trouble offers or answerphone messages.

It may seem cruel, but imagine the number of people calling eBay every day with the most stupid question if they give their phone number anywhere that wild west nature is in some sense Well, that's part of that attraction.

There are also email messages sent on eBay. What should I do

This email asks you for your password, right? It is a scam, an attempt to scare you, give up your details and try to steal your account. You will not hear about eBay emails with passwords or other account details. Please enter your eBay Umami password Page address will begin at Buy a special "account guard" as a toolbar, assuming that you can not confirm that the password is a fake site.Please contact us at:

Seems to be too good to be true. How does Ebay make money?

For you, buyers are eBay free. The seller, however, pays all sorts of charges: list charges for each item listed, final value charge (percent of items sold for what). They can pay an optional fee for extra services. , Including buying now, extra photos, reserve prices, highlight auctions, bold, you can see the full list of fees fees.html.

It isn't worth the seller, but it's definitely worth keeping or using eBay. The system is very efficient, basically letting both eBay and the seller maintain the lowest possible margin.

How Safe Is Ebay?

Well, as it happens, it is the subject of our next email! All of eBay's safety services for buyers and sellers are in one place, called "SafeHarbor". SafeHarbor handles fraud prevention and investigation, helps resolve disputes, and checks rule breakers. Next time, be safe, read everything about it.

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