The eighth of the series of 10 articles by studying advertising and marketing and how to "classic" advertising and marketing books are not only great benefits to you, but also how important it is to the origin of advertising marketing. Copywriting and methods become possible. Secrets that stole all the top marketers from these early marketers-Claude-Hopkins, Walter Dill-For Scott, Elmer Wheeler.
It's tough. :
Advertising, Marketing, Copywriting, Sales, Books, Marketing Secrets, Business Secrets, Marketing Tips, Advertising Tips, Advertising Secrets, Claude * Hopki
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Copyright 2006 Peter Woodhead
This is a series of ten eigth articles about advertising and marketing history.
Another master word from 1937 was cleverly Elmer Wheeler.
Elmer's Wheeler is a pure genius marketer and he knows that certain words have produced a vast increase in results over other less effective words.
In 1937 he wrote him: "tested sentences to sell". The most forgotten classic but probably the best book thing written on the subject. And here is the story of how he did it.
Wheelers are an advertising salesman for several newspapers when he tries to convince a retailer that the ad in his paper will drive people to their store This is what a retailer doubts There wasn't enough people to visit the store.
This still happens today. People coming store direct mail, login to the Internet site. But most of them actually buy something.
Perhaps, in most cases, you have not been given a reason to buy a prospect.
In the brick and mortar business this can be due to bad selling skills. In the case of direct mail and the Internet, the possibility of copying is high
After some careful analysis, Wheeler concluded that there was a reason why people were not buying at their store because the sales representative did not say the right word
This LED Wheeler to set up his famous "Word Lab". You can hear the expression: "Sell a steak without sizzle." Well, it was a wheeler who first got to coin that phrase and his first book with that phrase: "Tested a sentence to sell "
During a decade of research, Wheeler has tested more than 105,000 words and phrases of more than 105,000. Incredible feat. As a result, you can benefit from today.
This is a business-round that really brings out a lot of responsibility. It belongs to whom library.
Wheeler has found that it is necessary to ask the customer that they can not say "No".
Wholer invented Wheeler: "Wheeler points." There are five of them. So offer something to your customers. Not something or nothing
All wheeling principles and test results are adaptable to any business.
In 1940 Clyde Bedel, as well as being a super salesman, was a university lecturer. He came to be so disappointed that he could not find a suitable book with a convincing copy. So he decided to write himself.
"How to write ads to sell" has become a best seller.
1940 James-Webb-Young published an entry at "Ad Age" each week. He stuffed all this into a later called book: "The Diary of the Advertising Man."
The 1945 novel "Hucksters" is released and later filmed. This attacked the advertising industry and had a detrimental effect.
1949 Doyle-Dain and Bernbach launched
1955 Leo * Barnett introduces his "Marlborough * Man" ad. The image of the cowboy changed the fate of this minor cigarette brand and made it a big seller.
He is recognized as the man behind the most successful advertising campaigns.
Likewise, as a Marlboro man, he is famous for "Jolly Green Giant", "Pill's Dough Boy", "Tony Tiger" and many more.
He was quoted as saying:
"Make it look simple, make it memorable, make it fun to read and make it fun."
It is a unique drama known as the "Marketing Concept" that invented "Leo Bar Net". He thought that all products and services do not have the inherent quality, no matter how boring. If you do not keep someone buying, there is no one and this "specific drama" product.
Barnet believes that people are fascinated by the story and they want to experience new characters.
Perhaps that is why he took a lot of characters from history and folklore. He knew what triggered his outlook mind.
1957 Vance Packard's "Hidden Persuaders" will be a bestseller. This is another simmering attack on the advertising industry.
1960 Doyle Dane Bernbach's "creative team" blends copywriting and art design (which is not common in the industry) and Volkswagen's "think small" campaign concept is still going today.
The 1960 Rupert Koenig and Lois will be released and will be the first to be released in 1962.
1961 Rosser Reeves, Chairman of Ted-Bates. The advertising agency published his book: "The Reality of Advertising."
In this book he revealed a revolutionary new concept. Mostly john E. Kennedy's "revolutionary as a sales hand print."
He showed a new technology that made him famous to the world. He called it: "Unique Selling Suggestions" or USP.
Basically, your USP needs to clearly describe in simple words the single quality that makes your product or service stand out against any competition
Your USP needs your prospects to make your ad easier to remember.
1963 Clyde-Bedel wrote for popular demand: "How to convert white space into advertising for sale."
1964 Ogilvy, Benson and Mother merged with London-based Mother and Crowder to form Ogilvy and Mother.
1965 Rosser Reeves resigns from Ted Bates at 55
1966 Wells, Reed and Green founded. Mary Wells is the first woman to be the director of an advertising agency.
Search and search established in London in 1970
In 1986, Needham-Harper, BBDO, Doyle Dane and Bernbach merged to form the Omnicom-group, becoming the world's largest agency.
1987 Martin Sorrel's WPP acquired JWT in its first hostile takeover
1988 WPP acquires Ogilvy Group
In 1993, the Internet marketed and 5m user scramble online
1995 Saatchi and Saatchi have been renamed as Cordiant
1997 WPP merges JWT and O & forms an alliance to become the largest US media group with M $ 200 million billings
1999 Advertising on the Internet Will Reach $ 2 Billion
An estimated $ 5 billion in 2003 is spent on advertising internet
Tile floor with marble
Definitely, you want to be the best for your home because you want to make sure you get the beauty and elegance of your home. But how can you add beauty and elegance to your home?
It's tough. :
Marble floor, floor, interior-design, marble, tiling, marble tile
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Definitely, you want to be the best for your home because you want to make sure you get the beauty and elegance of your home. But how can you add beauty and elegance to your home?
If you want your home to be elegant enough not only for you but also for your guests, definitely you will certainly appeal to your home with sparkles with marble tile floors and your home's You can add beauty. Yes. Not only is marble tile a very popular material used in home buildings; marble tiles are also used for engraving and artistic work.
Back at the time of Greeks and Romans even uniform way, marble tiles are used for sculptures and works of art as these materials are great Asians and Europeans are used in terms of building homes and offices You are enjoying these materials because they are durable and elegant.
Marble tiles come in different patterns, shapes, sizes, designs and textures, so homeowners have lots of options to choose from. Designs and styles that match different options may be discontinued.
If you want to make sure to add the beauty and elegance of marble tiles, you should match the style and design of your home. Without a doubt, you can find the one that is best for your home. You can also find marble tiles online in the market. You can find time, and you can match it.
Marble tiles are very expensive, but more people are using marble tiles for the floor, but also they have their counter and other decorations at home even though it is very expensive It is worthwhile, because it can add radiance and beauty to the house.
As soon as you finally select the marble tile you want in your home, install it to make sure that it is properly placed, and if the marble tile is correctly installed, it is sure You can add sparkle and elegance to your home.
Your marble tile floor can give shine and elegance to your home, so you maintain that shine and marble tiles have to have to take care of your marble tile floor there is. It is recommended to clean it regularly. You can wipe it and let it dry. Be careful not to spill spills on the surface of your floor. If you have spills, wipe it with soap, warm water and a clean cloth immediately Always bring marble tile flooring dry.
You need to clean your marble tile floor to keep the shine and the beauty of your marble tile floor.
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