There are many reasons for wanting to start your own business and most of us get to this point. Which of the following applies to you?
* Freedom from daily routine.
• I want to improve.
• Improve my standard of living.
* I want creative freedom.
* I want to make full use of my skills, knowledge and education.
• I have the products / ideas / services that people need.
* I will have more time with my family.
* I do not have a dress code.
* There is a good tax deduction for business owners.
• I am a type B person and work best alone.
* I want to be my own boss.
* I want to make a decision.
Now all the above is a good reason to want your own business. Many people say that it is not a friction and one step forward through the process of thought. There are seven stages in business planning. They are:
1. Survey phase
2. Planning phase
3. Startup phase
4. Operation / monitoring phase
5. Problem / Challenge Resolution Phase
6. Update / Expansion phase
7. Sale, transfer, retirement phase
Let's do today with "Basic of Business" refresh as all my next column.
Take a look at yourself and your business choices at the research stage. If you have a character that is suitable for a certain American and Japanese flag as a motif, you can not miss it.
Duty Fulfillers
It is a serious, quiet, thorough, orderly, factual, logical, realistic, reliable, introverted personality. They take responsibility, are well organized, know what to achieve and work steadily, ignoring distractions. They are careful calculations and 20% of this group will be accountants.
Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.
These are also introverted and cool spectators. They are a life of isolated curiosity, quiet, reserved, observed and analyzed, and have a flash of unexpected original humor. They are usually interested in organizing facts using logical principles, how and why causes and effects, mechanical things work. They are usually artisans, mechanics, or handymen with about 10% becoming a farmer.
Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.
These people are extraverts who are good at solving problems in the field, don't worry, enjoy everything, be adaptive, tolerant, and generally conservative in value. They like mechanical things and sports and tend to dislike long descriptions. They are best with "real" things that can be worked, treated, taken apart, or assembled. About 10% of this type goes into marketing or becomes Impresarios.
These are another extravert group, usually good at anything from the heart of the activity, such as speeches that require frankness, conclusiveness, leaders, reasoning and rational stories. They are usually looking forward to notice plus the knowledge of the fund. They may sometimes seem more positive and confident than the area's writ experience. They are sometimes called "judgers" and "thinkers" and 21% of this group are legal administrators.
Getting into each personality type is too complicated, but personality types will give you an idea of the role you can see the following list. Introvert is Extravert that breaks down easily even in towns that target categories beside.
Choose a carrier that meets the introvert:
* Nurturers
* Guardian
• Artist
* Protective device
* Idealist
Extraverts are usually:
• Performer
* Inspirers
* Donor
The second part of the research phase is looking at your business options. When choosing the business you want to start, the following:
• Do you like to work with your hands, your brain, or both?
* Is it important to work indoors or outdoors?
• Are you good at math, writing, puzzles, blueprints, installing things or fixing things?
• What makes you interested? What are your hobbies?
• Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?
• Do you like to plan things or go to events?
• Do you like machines and computers?
* Do you prefer to drive or activate the equipment?
• Do you like to collect travel / display things, give / show, or take pictures?
• Are you small, big and strong?
Create a list of your likes and dislikes. Keep a diary of things that you relate to your business and rating each entry from 1 to 5 based on your interests. Then prepare a list of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and concerns. After doing all that, you need a list of candidate businesses that are right for you. You can then make a list of "candidate business" and rate them from 1 to 5 based on your own chosen criteria.
Some criteria can be met, my goal is to establish, feasible, low cost, make money, "niche" market for existing customers
Once you have achieved all that, SCORE or your own message that you will seriously use as a soundboard for your plan Next week, if I have not kept you from ever thinking, we are in the planning stage Cover
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